Pok�mon Adventures (Gold and Silver) | Hidenori Kusaka
Adventures inspired by the best-selling Pok�mon video games! All your favorite Pok�mon game characters jump out of the screen into the pages of this action-packed manga! More exciting Pok�mon adventures starring Gold and his rival Silver! First someone steals Gold's backpack full of Pok� Balls (and Pok�mon!). Then someone steals Prof. Elm's Totodile. Can Gold catch the thief--or thieves?! Keep an eye on Team Rocket, Gold... Could they be behind this crime wave?
(less)Adventures inspired by the best-selling Pok�mon video games! All your favorite Pok�mon game characters jump out of the screen into the pages of this action-packed manga! More exciting Pok�mon adventures starring Gold and his rival Silver!