Refugee, created by Alan Gratz, follows 3 refugees from specific timeframes who are trying to leave from warfare and oppression. Isabel, a Cuban girl in 1994 who herself and her family are seeking safety from political rebellion as they flee to United States; Josef, a Jewish boy in the 1930's embarks on a journey to escape Nazi Germany, also known as the Holocaust; and Mahmoud, a Syrian boy in 2015 who struggles to outlive the Syrian War and
elijah.reibin travels to Europe. The three protagonist's journeys all intertwine with the themes of hope, survival, and the desire for safety, conveying their experiences as being a refugee. These stories are first point of view since us readers reflect and read the characters phrases, feelings, and thoughts, including that they project themselves as saying “I”. A symbol for this novel is the image that contrasts the main characters desire to escape, which is (edited) 1w
elijah.reibin the representation to Refugee. The photo, on the front of the book, shows a boy on a boat that is searching, the vast open water, some place in hopes of finding a new life. This image predicts how the main characters are seeking down a solution to their problems to start a new future while challenges await everywhere they go. If you like suspense through historical timelines where the main character(s) is attempting to search for protection, 1w
elijah.reibin even if it takes the risk of the characters lives, then this book is intended for readers who want to explore the topic of character resilience through hardships and situations. 1w
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