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The Wisdom of the Native Americans
The Wisdom of the Native Americans: Including The Soul of an Indian and Other Writings of Ohiyesa and the Great Speeches of Red Jacket, Chief Joseph, and Chief Seattle | Kent Nerburn
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The teachings of the Native Americans provide a connection with the land, the environment, and the simple beauties of life. This collection of writings from revered Native Americans offers timeless, meaningful lessons on living and learning. Taken from writings, orations, and recorded observations of life, this book selects the best of Native American wisdom and distills it to its essence in short, digestible quotes perhaps even more timely now than when they were first written. In addition to the short passages, this edition includes the complete Soul of an Indian, as well as other writings by Ohiyesa (Charles Alexander Eastman), one of the great interpreters of American Indian thought, and three great speeches by Chiefs Joseph, Seattle, and Red Jacket.
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Really enjoyed this collection of teachings from Native American leaders. Now I‘m hungry for a comprehensive historical account of native Americans - can anyone recommend?

#Pantone2023 @Clwojick
#20in4Readathon Day1 @Andrew65

Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 1y
SamAnne I would recommend the Heartbeat of Wounded Knee...a modern perspective by a Native American scholar on this history. Thunder in the Mountains, about Chief Joseph's effort to save his Nez Perce people, is one of the best histories I have read. And then, all the fiction...There, There by Tommy Orange! Or, watch Reservation Dogs on Hulu! 1y
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bnp The above and The rediscovery of America by Ned Blackhawk are on my to read list. 1y
SaunteringVaguelyDownwards Seconding Reservation Dogs! We also read Black Elk Speaks by John G. Neihardt in my Native American literature class, but to interrogate it as a translation of Lakota beliefs (esp. in comparison to The Sixth Grandfather by Raymond DeMallie, which has the original transcripts of the interview with Black Elk). 1y
Eggs @Andrew65 Thank You and Thanks also for the rec!! 1y
Eggs @SamAnne Great! Thanks🙏🏻🙏🏻 1y
Eggs @bnp Thanks so much 🙏🏻🙏🏻 1y
Eggs @SaunteringVaguelyDownwards Thank You for thé recommendation ??? 1y
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Most of the book was filled with powerful quotes. Towards the end of the book we‘re some speeches given by Native Americans. I really enjoyed this book but I wish there had been more speeches and less quotes.

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Wow; powerful words!

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