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Perfect Rhythm
Perfect Rhythm | Jae
1 post | 3 read | 3 to read
Pop star Leontyne Blake might sing about love, but she stopped believing in it a long time ago. What women want is her image, not the real her. When her father has a stroke, she flees the spotlight and returns to her tiny Missouri hometown.In her childhood home, she meets small-town nurse Holly Drummond, who isn't impressed by Leo's fame at all. That isn't the only thing that makes Holly different from other women. She's also asexual. For her, dating is a minefield of expectations that she has decided to avoid.Can the tentative friendship between a burned-out pop star and a woman not interested in sex develop into something more despite their diverse expectations?A lesbian romance about seeking the perfect rhythm between two very different people--and finding happiness where they least expect it.
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If I weren't so lazy I'd go back & see who rec'd this in my Ace of Hearts review. I was a bit put off by the objectifing of the ace woman by the allo woman. But that's more my hatred of reading any woman being objectified than anything wrong with the book (the character being ace did make the objectifing that much worse). Overall though this is a solid story. There's character growth. The drama's at believeable lvls. The family stuff was great.