This is a super fun book! I love Teddy Rosevelt and I enjoyed this book. Great illustrations and a good story.
This is a super fun book! I love Teddy Rosevelt and I enjoyed this book. Great illustrations and a good story.
Teddy Rosevelt has always been my favorite president so this biography was super interesting to me. I love this book because it talks about how wild and crazy of a child Teddy was. This is good for children to hear because you don‘t have to be perfect to achieve great things. If you want to do something you will achieve it with hard work and knowledge. The illustrations are also awesome in this book!
“It is not what we have that will make us a great nation; it is the way in which we use it.”
I really enjoy this series of biographies. Each one has great illustrations and vivid imagery within the writing. This gives a great insight into who Teddy Roosevelt was before he became a monumental figure in American history.
This is a book about Theodore Roosevelt the president and his life