Relates so much to life because it is always changing whether we want it to or not.
Relates so much to life because it is always changing whether we want it to or not.
A book that relates to times were things we are use to being the same have changed and the wonders of why arise. This books shows that even though things change, surprises can occur causing rememberable Times. The Fletchers time on Rock Island did not bring back the memories they usually have. So much has changed but does that mean that won‘t create new life lasting memories? Genre: Realistic Fiction; Published: 2016; Illustrator: Rebecca Ashdown
this book makes me want summer sooooo much!
Wonderful middle grade book that celebrates diversity and addresses race and prejudice.
My relaxing place is SUMMER. No better book for it than this one--where the family looks so much like my own, full of family-specific traditions and shenanigans. #augustphotochallenge
For #Recommendsday a book series my 9yo son compared to Harry Potter "because I just keep reading and redeading it."
#weneeddiversebooks thank you for sharing such a wonderfully diverse family