Zhuulton of Zhuul and the Feast of the Centipede | B J Swann
Zhuulton of Zhuul has been given a quest. Unfortunately for her, it looks more like a creative suicide plan than a realistic goal. Before three days are up, she must travel to the heart of an inhospitable empire, infiltrate an impregnable palace, slaughter fifteen kings as they sit down to lunch, and defeat the great demon centipede before he ascends to the fourth dimension. If she doesn't, her best friend in the whole world will be eaten alive - with a side of mustard. Luckily Zhuulton has the help of four shape-shifting demons, each with their own special power. One of them can sing. One of them can eat. One of them can smash things. And the fourth is filled with the dread essence of death itself. Join Zhuulton and her magnificent companions for a madcap adventure crammed with sex, violence, and outright strangeness. Enter the Aeon of Chaos, where fantasy, horror, and humour collide! 'Gruesome, anarchic, and absurd. Like Monty Python and the Holy Grail meets Kentaro Miura's Berserk.' - Elizabeth Bedlam