An editor makes all the difference. This was a phenomenal group of essays (I only bailed on two) with Baby Yeah by Anthony Veasna So as the standout. Ghost Bread by Angelique Steves was also a winner.
An editor makes all the difference. This was a phenomenal group of essays (I only bailed on two) with Baby Yeah by Anthony Veasna So as the standout. Ghost Bread by Angelique Steves was also a winner.
"Queerness is that thing that lets us feel that this world is not enough," Muñoz writes, "that indeed something is missing." Without a doubt, hanging with my friend, you perceived the world as too small, too limited, too shortsighted. You'd think-or maybe this was only me—that society had to be operating in profoundly inexcusable ways if no secure place existed for him to thrive in. -Anthony Veasna So / Baby Yeah