Devoured romances of all kinds in junior high...harlequin, silhouette, etc...but especially loved Regency and Victorian era romance novels. Discovered these while browsing library audiobook titles.
Devoured romances of all kinds in junior high...harlequin, silhouette, etc...but especially loved Regency and Victorian era romance novels. Discovered these while browsing library audiobook titles.
Loving my newest romance impulse buy. A lady of society falls in love with the dashing doctor who comes to her rescue after she twists her ankle. And anything recommended by Julia Quinn is going to be amazing....😍❤😘
Well I wasn't sure how this would turn out but it turned out well. You can't pick who you fall in love with and secrets don't always keep. Cute historical romance and I just put book 2 on hold. Hopefully the library gets book 3 which comes out this month.
So I'm reading my book and hear what sounds like a big bee and what do I see? Two hummingbirds at my feeders.
Switch coffee with hot chocolate and this is my day. ⛈
First book in a new series. Supposed to rain today so might as well start another book. 😉 (plus I'm avoiding cleaning my kitchen)