My string of So-So continues. It was good in the beginning but then the choppy/jumping around timeline started to bother me.
My string of So-So continues. It was good in the beginning but then the choppy/jumping around timeline started to bother me.
Why isn't it the weekend yet? Completely in the mood to be in Burrito Mode!
Today's lunch reading. An exorbitantly priced cup of soup and a miniature bottle of Diet Coke (smaller bottle, higher price) along with Stray Love, which I'm settling into nicely!
I've been plagued recently with a string of books that have just been "meh" for me. I'm really hoping Stray Love and On the Shores of Darkness, There is Light (both ??) will help launch me into the "knock my socks off" reading I'm craving! The Memory Painter is for book club this week.