Just finished my last assignment of the school year and am about to relax in the bath with a comic, a beer, and some fruit and yogurt. This is the life.
Just finished my last assignment of the school year and am about to relax in the bath with a comic, a beer, and some fruit and yogurt. This is the life.
My mom-in-law brought me back this cute magnetic bookmark with a cat on it from Mexico. Also, this book isn't the one I tagged but actually the second volume of O Human Star, which is just as amazing as the first volume. Queer and trans robots and gay love! What more could you want?? #Comics #QueerBooks #TransBooks
I just got Vol 2 of this amazing series in the mail today! I'm gonna do a quick re-read of the first volume so all the action is fresh in my mind. I'm excited to get back into this character-driven science fiction comic with queer and trans robots! #QueerBooks #TransBooks
My #Booktober pick for #FaveGraphicNovels! Not only is this a super smart science fiction take on AI, there are all this cute, exciting queer and trans storylines: men falling in love, male-assigned robots becoming girls, girls giving girls their numbers. This book does what the best SF does--interrogate what it means to be human--and has amazing characterization and great art to boot. You can also find this comic online! #QueerLit