I‘m nervous when it comes to books on politics and bias, but Peter Baker is very fair with little to no bias in this book.
I‘m nervous when it comes to books on politics and bias, but Peter Baker is very fair with little to no bias in this book.
“Bush made crises through neglect and then resolved crises through courage.” David Frum
This book seems like one massive emergency just to give Bush more war powers. The question remains, what happens when he becomes too powerful?
I wish more had been done. I wish more could be done. I wish more would be done. But we did get Osama bin Laden in the end.
As much as I love the idea of the United States ending tyranny and helping oppressed people, I just don‘t think it was nor is a realistic goal. Fighting as allies maybe but just ending all tyranny ourselves, I just don‘t see it. Knowing how Iraq and Afghanistan ended, I don‘t think Bush understood that wars last. International politics is never simple.
“For every problem you think you‘re solving, you‘re creating two more.”__Dan Bartlett
Really? Afghanistan wasn‘t enough? But how could it be enough when the terrorists had left by then. We would‘ve been better off going after Pakistan next instead of Iraq.
So are we dying because of Trump or dying because we‘ve spent trillions over the last 20 years in Afghanistan?
I hate the idea that 9/11 was an inside job, but let‘s talk about 9/10. On 9/10 Rice and Hadley were already planning on targeting the Taliban in Afghanistan. The goal: topple the Taliban and destroy some al Qaeda bases. Makes sense. And while yes al Qaeda and the Taliban were evil, what I have to think about is the fact that this whole war was planned on 9/10. Not 9/11 or 9/12 but 9/10. So we were always going to go... even without 9/11.
It‘s an interesting theory that a combination of trauma from 9/11 and his multiple heart attacks deeply affected Dick Cheney to completely alter his personality.