"How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself?"
- Anaïs Nin, born on this day in 1903. ❤❤❤
Thanks for sharing, Lit Hub!
"How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself?"
- Anaïs Nin, born on this day in 1903. ❤❤❤
Thanks for sharing, Lit Hub!
“I like to live always at he beginnings of life, not its end. We all lose some of our faith under the oppression of vain leaders, insane history, pathological cruelties of daily life. I am by nature always beginning and believing...”.
One of the 3 books we read excerpts from in The Magic School Course 101. #themagicschool #themagicschool101 #correspondenceschool #anaisnin http://www.mandysteward.com/the-magic-school-101/