I suppose some of us have to get really dirty before we can become truly clean. I was allegedly South Dakota's most famous old lady. Sixteen years ago I survived my old man's murder Never again. Never again will I surrender my heart. Never again will I sacrifice to the Club. But that all changed in one night. I came home and crashed into him, and my past and present blew up in my face. Both of us lonely, running on empty, and unwilling to admit it. Until now. Now I feel things I'd forgotten about, want things I'd cut out of my insides. Love not only stings when you lose it, when it's ripped away from you. When it first sinks its teeth in you, it can cut just as raw and sting just as deep. I'd forgotten that. Who holds the keys to betrayal? To suspicion? To trust? To brotherhood? To family? To redemption and a bleeding heart? Right now, I just might.