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Old Scores
Old Scores: A Barker & Llewelyn Novel | Will Thomas
4 posts | 9 read | 3 to read
In 1890, the first Japanese diplomatic delegation arrives in London to open an embassy. Cyrus Barker, private enquiry agent and occasional agent for the Foreign Service Office, is enlisted to display his personal Japanese garden to the visiting dignitaries. Later that night, Ambassador Toda is shot and killed in his office and Cyrus Barker is discovered across the street, watching the very same office, in possession of a revolver with one spent cartridge. Arrested by the Special Branch for the crime, Barker is vigorously interrogated and finally released due to the intervention of his assistant, Thomas Llewelyn, and his solicitor. With the London constabulary still convinced of his guilt, Barker is hired by the new Japanese ambassador to find the real murderer. In a case that takes leads Barker and Llewelyn deep into parts of London's underworld, on paths that lead deep into Barker's own mysterious personal history, Old Scores is the finest yet in Will Thomas's critically acclaimed series.
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Part 1 of 2 of book haul from dollar tree alone. They have been upping their game! xD

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I always enjoy another foray into a Barker & Llewelyn book. One of my favorites thing about the series is that in each book you explore a different part of Victorian London. This time around we're treated to Japanese culture during that time. And the big kicker is finally learning more about Barker's past.

Perfect for anyone whose a fan of Sherlock Holmes.

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Another solid entry in the Barker & Llewelyn mystery series! This one deals with the murder of the Japanese Ambassador and the formation of the Japanese embassy in London. I didn't connect with any of the many new characters & red herrings in the book, but I found the historical information fascinating. I voluntarily reviewed an eARC copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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This book is nicely balanced with both politics and a traditional murder mystery, along with a cast of complex and curious characters. Its atmospheric feel makes it a perfect café read.

I have posted a full review on my blog and Instagram account.

MrBook Love that pic! 7y
LinaLovesLit @MrBook Thanks, I appreciate it. 7y
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