“In Their Own Words: Lewis and Clark” is a NF novel written by George Sullivan; I would CR in an upper elementary integrated lesson. This chapter book takes you on Meriwether Lewis and William Clark‘s two-year expedition. In addition, Sullivan provides amazing primary and secondary sources throughout this book. http://www.pkwy.k12.mo.us/homepage/sbeauchamp/file/lewis_and_clark_question_pack... This link takes you to a pre-made question packet.
AJones The teacher would print it and stop periodically to ask these questions before, during, and after CR activity. UDL 5.3 build fluencies with graduated levels of support for practice and performance and EL 14 simplify your speech by making it slower and redundant. #ucflae3414f17 (edited) 7y
JanaLL Great Non-fiction historical story! Geography lessons could be easily be paired up with this story. Definitely needs to be in every classroom. 7y
DrSpalding There are many standards that referred to primary and secondary sources. Excellent resource that aligns to content that must be taught to elementary students in social studies. 7y