#Movie2BookRecs #emilyblunt 25. I wanted to pick something a little different. This is another one that I haven‘t read but I‘m intrigued because of the movie trailer.
#Movie2BookRecs #emilyblunt 25. I wanted to pick something a little different. This is another one that I haven‘t read but I‘m intrigued because of the movie trailer.
"I yelled. I did not want any of them to touch me. I'd adopted a new posture which I hoped indicated my flesh was wrapped in barbed wire, and they laid hands on me at their peril.
The whole house crackled with my wild power, as in days of old when kingdoms were rocked by the madness of goddesses."
"Her eyes were stretched so wide it was unnatural. It was like her eyes were giving birth to a new type of pain."
"He smiled at me in that pleading way that meant he wanted me to smile back. Men needed women more than women needed men, I was realising."
"The problem with boys was that they were wet clay; you'd leave fingerprints on their face, every smile you gave them got dug into their skin like a name in tree bark. Getting off with blokes like that, sex and stuff, was OK but anything more, I mean doing really exciting stuff, was like trying to light a fire with damp leaves."
"I liked this crazed repression older women often displayed. I would've liked to speak to her, have her as my friend. A mummy. I would've liked to have spoken to her about the plays she starred in, about death and dying. About her dead daughter and how she sleeps at night. I'd tell her about me mam and Julie Flowerdew who'd gone missing and all my sorrow. But husbands were like fences to wives, and mostly you couldn't cross."
"My hormones fancied him but I didn't."
I'm continuing my accidental yearly tradition of reading summer fever dream aesthetic novels in January. Last year it was Chocolates For Breakfast, the year before that, You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine.