Checking out this book that both my parents said was amazing!!
Checking out this book that both my parents said was amazing!!
My autographed copy I rate this well because it delivers exactly what it says, a collection of letters written to his deceased mother. These letters help him to remain connected to his mother and deal with his own issues. Nothing earth shattering. It‘s not going to change the world and probably not change you. But the letters are kind and sweet and heartfelt.
#signedsunday at Barnes and Noble today they had a whole table of signed books so there goes the rest of my gift card! 💸💸💸📚📚📚
i ❤️❤️❤️ Louie Anderson on Baskets. he was born to play Christine! #signedsundays
I read the kindle sample of this last night and really liked it. Realized the audio is read by the author so going to use my next audible credit to get the audio. Think that credit comes through on 4/10. Saw him on Bill Mahar last night which is what led me to look it up. He is so sincere and sensitive.