“Did you know that there are roughly 400,000 different species of beetles?“
My favorite part about this book was learning about all of the factual information that I had no idea about.
My favorite part about this book was learning about all of the factual information that I had no idea about.
Bonkers about Beetles by Owen Davey was so interesting to read. It says there are roughly 400,000 different species of beetles, and that they make up about 25% of all animals on our planet! Beetles are adapted to life in various climates across the world, wherever trees and flowers are found. From the Goliath beetle to the beautiful iridescent scarab beetle, this guide will teach you everything you need to know about these fascinating insects.
This book just won an award for its fantastic art. Great overview of the diversity of beetles, plus 😍 artwork
Saw this today - it wins my “best title of the month” award! So - do you have a favourite title??