Every choice has a price. We all owe a debt to this world for the things we take from it, right or wrong, cruel or kind. But these laws are soft, these laws are alive, and sometimes a debt is forgiven.
Every choice has a price. We all owe a debt to this world for the things we take from it, right or wrong, cruel or kind. But these laws are soft, these laws are alive, and sometimes a debt is forgiven.
Since the day I met Julie, I‘ve been trying to keep her safe. But what I‘ve come to realize is that Julie will never be safe, because she doesn‘t want to be. She wants to fight hard and love hard and eat life raw and bleeding. So I won‘t try to keep her out of danger. If it‘s time for war, I won‘t hold her back. I‘ll charge in beside her and make sure we win.
My mind is a small room lined with bookcases, but when I reach into the shelves, I find no wall behind them. My thoughts push through my skull into some deeper space beyond.
"There is no such final dusk. No death. No ending. No ceiling to stop our ascent. The ladder goes up forever, and we have just begun to climb."
"My mind is a small room lined with bookcases, but when I reach into the shelves, I find no wall behind them. My thoughts push through my skull into some deeper space beyond."
Finally picking this up. I just hope it doesn't disappoint. Just look at those endpapers 😍😍