Just another fun light,playful,read. Love the humor and great plot twists.
Just another fun light,playful,read. Love the humor and great plot twists.
I Cat Even 🐱♥️
Day 4: #melandprireadathon is #Caturday & Im going to spend mine reading, carving pumpkins & maybe diving head first into a bucket of popcorn at the movies seeing #themountainbetweenus 🍿🎥
You guys know I don't have a cat right? I just like the idea of Saturday's being lazy days! I do what I want! Plus I am loving #cozycatmystery books!
#qotd What kind of pets do you have?
I have 2 dogs 🐶🐶, a guinea pig 🐹 & a fish 🐟.
Another fun read from Lillian Jackson Braun. Now that I've read so many of these books, I'm more attuned to when her style is a bit corny, but I overlook it because I enjoy the books as a whole. Polly and Qwill's relationship is boring me to tears, but lots of interesting events in this book.