This book was in depth and very detailed. The pictures were realistic and very well put.
This book was in depth and very detailed. The pictures were realistic and very well put.
These poems are very deep and hold a very important meaning. I think that this book would be very nice for older grades such as fourth and fifth grade.
“I sang to you and the moon
But only the moon remembers.
I sang
O reckless free-hearted...“
“We must be polite” is a poem in “Poetry for young people” by carl Sandburg illustrated by Steven Arcella this poem reminds children on how we should behave no matter the situation even if its an odd one. I feel this can be used in IR or a RA. Though I couldn‘t find a lesson that went with this exact poem I did find this https://betterlesson.com/lesson/593824/poetry-what-is-it lesson plan which coincides with learning poetry and this poem.