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Isabel: Jewel of Castilla | Carolyn Meyer
1 post | 18 read | 5 to read
Segovia -- 12th of April 1466After Mass this morning, I climbed the narrow, winding stone steps to a window high in one of the castle turrets. I often come up here to see what lies beyond my prison. Segovia is surrounded by four thick walls, each with a heavy wooden gate. The aqueduct built by the Romans more than a thousand years ago stretches to the horizon.Far below the castle, the Eresma River rushes through a narrow gorge. Across the river, flocks of sheep seem to flow like a river themselves. The sheep bleat, their bells tinkle -- I know this, even if I cannot hear them. In the fields beyond the walls, little green shoots of wheat are pushing up. How I yearn to be there instead of here.
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#backpackeurope travelogue *fictional*
Country 54 (repeat): back to Spain! Did the grand tour: Barcelona and Sagrada Familia, Madrid (caught a football game), Sevilla, and visited Castilla where my book is set. Ate some paella, too 😀
This book was a reread for me - I love Royal Diaries and I love Carolyn Meyer. I love how you can see Isabel's strict Catholic upbringing in this book, and how it might influence her daughter, Catherine of Aragon.4/5

Catsandbooks Omg I used to read those books as a kid! Thank you reminding me of this memory!! 💕 6y
Carleneishere I LOVED the Royal Diaries and Dear America books! 6y
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