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"Editing is what makes a filmed script a movie. The author sets out on a quest to discover what screenwriters could learn from film editors about storytelling by consulting numerous top film editors. At the heart of this book is one key revelation from the cutting room: juxtaposition is the motor of film storytelling. When you collide images together they spark fresh ideas in the mind of the viewer. And when you do that, viewers become active partners in the storytelling - they discover the story for themselves. Writing For the Cut gives you dynamic tools to write the way editors cut films. In later chapters Writing for the Cut shows how we can bring our stories closer to the screen by writing not only with text, but also with images and sounds. At the end of the book the screenwriter is taken all the way into the edit suite to learn the secrets of the sizzle reel"--
➤ 1. Writing For The Cut by Greg Loftin ➤ 2. Writing, Embroidery, Cinematography ➤ 3. Break The Rules by Pilar Alessandra, The Three Wells of Screenwriting by Matthew Kalil