A good fall book for when leaves are changing. Very encouraging book
A good fall book for when leaves are changing. Very encouraging book
The leaf was scared to pass his test and go down to the ground. The branch and his friend were a great help in encouraging him that it is going to be okay
Lance look below. He took a deep breath. And with stem quivering...he let go.
Wonderful book that can help you learn to face your fears and take that leap of faith.
Picturebook. The very last leaf is a wonderful book that teaches the the reader my lessons, with interwoven themes about fear, anxiety, perfectionism, and facing those. I personally took from this book that its okay to fall as long as you get back up and don't let your fear of falling/failing keep you from trying new things. The color in this book really bring the story to life and are pleasing to the eye. Overall very good read.
3 ⭐
It's about a leaf and he needs to grow, do photosynthesis, and eventually fall, but he's afraid of falling. It will take a lot of heart and a lot of guts to make the leaf remember that just because you fall doesn't mean you can't get back up again. The other part of me sees this and thinks kids may get the wrong message. When leaves fall off a tree they die. So in a way the message is commit suicide if all your friends are doing it.