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Joined May 2016

Book crazy, or just crazy? You decide. ----------Same screen name on Litsy, Twitter, GoodReads, LibraryThing, BookSirens
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1.5 ⭐This is a book I would not recommend. Because there are potentially hazardous things included in its pages. The author is trying to talk about a story between some birds and some kids that last through the years. But within the story, the kids feed ducks bread to keep the ducks away from the fish to help the birds. You shouldn‘t feed ducks bread. They‘re harming one animal to help another. Later in the story, they want to help the bird build

LibrarianRyan a nest by offering its shoes and a yo-yo. To me that‘s putting your garbage out in nature instead of where it should be. Then you have the section of where they‘re trying to touch, this wild animal. There were just so many things about this book based on the content of the story that means I would never carry it in my library. Add that that the book looks and feels very self-published and not in a good way. This book feels like a high school 1w
LibrarianRyan student was rushing through an assignment to get it turned in. 1w
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 1w
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4 ⭐ This is a book about a little girl and a Clydesdale horse who both want to participate in a rodeo. Rosie is the horse and she‘s a Clydesdale, considered a gentle giant and not appropriate for the rodeo. But she has a dream and a chance to live it. Things do not go as planned, but everything works out in the end. This book was lovely. The illustrations are great and overall, this was just a pleasant read that kids will love.

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4 ⭐ I love the Fiona books. There‘s something about the innocence of this hippo and now her baby brother. This is Halloween so we get to see all the animals dressed up in their costumes and learn about the zoo at night. This book is just a lot of fun, and this one probably has my favorite illustrations of all the Fiona books: the tiger and the bunny costume.

Adventures of CAM E. Chameleon | Dona Herweck Rice
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3 ⭐This is a book about a chameleon going from his home to being a pet in a classroom. The illustrations are lively and fun, but I wish the cover was better. The story is a little long however it still works well. This would be a great book for a classroom. I‘m not sure it‘s a read every night type of book but it is a book kids will enjoy.

B Is for Belonging | Shannon Anderson
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4 ⭐Alphabet books are nothing new. However, some stand out and this is one of them. You went in knowing the book was supposed to teach a lesson on belonging. Using the letters of the alphabet it explains other ways to make you a better you, Help others, and be better. It focuses on the difference between fitting in and belonging and how your unique and that is OK. I really like how this book was done. It‘s a tad bit long but perfect for children.

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3 ⭐I like the title better than I like the book. All the letters go play and the vowels feel left out. But through this game of red rover the consonants realize that they can‘t make words without the vowels, so they invite the vowels to play. Everybody plays and it‘s happily ever after. The idea of story is cute, but the execution is long. This could have been shortened and it would‘ve been 100 times better.

Littlest Weaver | Robin Hall
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4 ⭐This book is sadly wonderful. A father and his daughter are Weavers. It‘s just the two of them. One day a new man comes to town and takes up residence in a local cabin. He had lost his family and is still in the unhappy times. Weaver and the father know if they can weave the right rug they might be able to help the father come out of his grief and live again. This book will have someone who needs it and will greatly appreciate it.

In the Winter | Lauren Kukla
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3 ⭐ This book is nice. It lists things that happen in the winter both for humans and animals alike. It mentions dreams of spring, but that there is still plenty of time for winter. If nothing wrong with this book, there‘s also nothing fantastic. It‘s a nice read that kids will enjoy but will not stay on shells forever.

Wild Trails to the Sea | Penelope Jackson

4 ⭐This was a book full of hope. Hope that a child in your life takes time to smell the roses and notices the little things that make life special. One thing to notice is the illustrations. They were all cut and torn paper. It‘s a type of collage that is very pristine, and it is beautifully done. Altogether this book is full of quiet beauty that one will want to hand to their children and to their children‘s children.

My Butt Is So Puzzling! | Betsy Ochester

4 ⭐This is a fun activity for those who enjoyed the butt books. Even though there‘s not a mega ton of reading, the author has done a good job of keeping up the ideas, the rhyming patterns, and the things that make the butt book so special. This is a great book to add to the collection but might be hard for libraries because kids are going to do the puzzles and the mazes.

Hide | Kiersten White
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2.5 Hide must be the third or fourth book by Kiersten White that I have read. And while the book is OK, I‘m always left feeling that way by her books. This is her first adult novel. Adults are lured into a game of hide and seek that it turns out to be deadly. This does have fantastic horror elements, which do make sense but still seems to be missing something. This book is on the shorter side, it‘s only 235 pages but is so slow. It feels like it‘s

LibrarianRyan 100 pages more than it is. Most of the time you‘re following the thought process of Mack, and the reader gets inklings of the other 14 players minds and what‘s going on. Overall, the book is depressing. There is one happy character amongst all of them. I suppose I understand that when you have people willing to do anything for $50,000, but it takes some of the will to live out of the story. This story has gotten mixed reviews and mine is one of 2w
LibrarianRyan them. In general, I like the concept, but it‘s been done better. The book is OK, but like other books I have read by this author I just think eeh. I think the last line of the books sums up the entire story pretty well…”Who the f*** cares?”

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Jimmy's Elbow | James Kochalka

2 ⭐ This book is odd. It‘s like a boy with no friends who‘s using his imagination to keep himself active. His best friend is his elbow, who sometimes comes to life and flies off his body. He also has an American toy and a toy he says his American (but is not) and it‘s a very big deal. For whatever reason the character reminds me of Trump with his long red tie in the weird hair. It‘s his insistence on America American America.

LibrarianRyan This book is just all over the place. It was written by a kid wasting time in class, which is exactly why young readers will probably like it. 2w
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Keep Trucking | Raven Howell

3 ⭐ This book looks at various types of trucks and what they do. It has a simple rhyming pattern and is a very simple book. The story isn‘t the greatest, but the illustrations are fun. Some pages are better than others which puts this book steadily in the middle. I‘m not sure it‘s one of those books that would be picked up frequently unless you happen to own it. Especially if the truck book bin also contains Good Night Good night construction site


3⭐This book is exactly what is imagined from the cover. It teaches children that they are a puzzle peace in this world and that everyone is different and has an exact place they fit in.That if they‘re feeling out of sorts or unfocused or like they just don‘t belong it‘s probably because they‘re trying to fit themselves into the wrong puzzle location. The metaphor is not bad. The author does a good job of making it make sense for a younger audience

LibrarianRyan The illustrations are soft and dreamlike, and kids will like this book. It is a little heavy handed so I‘m not sure if it‘s a “read more than once” book, but it wasn‘t bad. 2w
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3 ⭐Is the darkness something to be afraid of? Is it a life giving force? Is it a life stealing force? That is the question within these pages? Anya is the newest moth keeper. It is her job nightly take the moths to a place they can glow and become strong pollinators to the tree that keeps her society alive, and then put them to sleep again for the night. It‘s lonely. She lives in a society that lives by night but has always to feel the

LibrarianRyan sun on her face. She does get that chance but then argues within herself what is right? What is wrong? And is it OK to be afraid of the dark. This was an interesting book. It leaves one with a lot to think about. The illustrations are beautiful and fit the story quite well. Story is easy to read and will be loved by many. 2w
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4 ⭐ And New Mexico is probably over. Another child is gone, and this series continues. It‘s one tons of awards because it deserves it. This book is a bloody good time and book 8 can‘t come fast enough.

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4 ⭐This story picks up right where it left off. There in New Mexico and Erica‘s with a new person and for some reason there‘s a kid that can hear her stuffed animal. Of course, not only is her organization after her there is a super monster that can transform to look like other humans on the chase as well. This book flows well with the rest of the series and I can‘t wait to read book 7.

vivastory This is one of my fave ongoing gn series 2w
LibrarianRyan I know right. I can not let myself piece meal it. I have to have a few on hand because i can't read just one. @vivastory (edited) 2w
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4 ⭐ This was a cute graphic novel. It is typical of the series. That‘s neither good nor bad. It‘s a quick jump for graphic novel leaders with adorable illustration and a friendship between the dog and a dragon that makes for a grand time.

Meddling Kids | Edgar Cantero
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4 ⭐ Have you ever wondered what would happen if Scooby-Doo wandered into a Lovecraft novel? Then wonder no more because here it is. We can tell this book is based around the idea of the Scooby-Doo cartoons of the 70s. The kids solved a mystery of the lake creature but now it‘s 13 years later, their adults, and they think they got it wrong. Their lives haven‘t been the happy go Lucky joy you get from the animated cartoon. They‘ve been hard and real

LibrarianRyan One is in an asylum, the studious member is not so studious anymore, and the dumb one isn‘t dumb and isn‘t who you think it is. And let‘s not forget how special our pretty jock was. The way the author takes the idea of these characters in a whole new direction in new light makes for a very entertaining story. Yes, there is a dog but instead of a great dane and it‘s a Weimaraner, and the very last sentence was a great read. The ideas all come 3w
LibrarianRyan together to make a fine thrilling novel. A little bit horror, a little bit nostalgia, but a whole lot of fun. After all, if it weren‘t for these meddling kids who else would save the world. 3w
BookmarkTavern This sounds so fun! 3w
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I Am a Tornado | Drew Beckmeyer
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⭐2 People clean and get ready for spring after all it‘s called spring cleaning. The clouds also must make ready for plenty of rain and water to bring on the growing season. This book was fine, but I found it more annoying than anything. I‘m not sure if it‘s too chipper or just the mood I‘m in. It was fine but just fine.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 3w
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3 ⭐People clean and get ready for spring after all it‘s called spring cleaning. The clouds also must make ready for plenty of rain and water to bring on the growing season. This book was fine, but I found it more annoying than anything. I‘m not sure if it‘s too chipper or just the mood I‘m in. It was fine but just fine.

Echo | Thomas Baudelet Olde Heuvelt
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2 ⭐ This is a DNF. This book was 18 hours and it feels like it. Maybe if I was reading this book instead of listening to it as an audiobook that might‘ve made a difference. I got more than four hours into it, and I don‘t care about anything that‘s happening. Plus, there is slippage going back-and-forth. different characters brought in, it‘s sometimes confusing. There is something out there in the mountains.

LibrarianRyan Two experienced climbers go to hike this peak and only one comes back. And this hiker does not come back hole. They are missing half their face due to a fall. We start the story hearing from the significant other. We hear them talk about whether they should stay with the hiker or not. How people are praised for staying when things get rough instead of parting ways. But then you also have our hiker who‘s like we “weren‘t alone on the mountain there 3w
LibrarianRyan there was something”. I‘m at the point where the hiker is reminiscing about a hike with their grandmother. There are just so many limbs to this tree that the story is all over the place. There‘s not a linear story and it is so big and so much more than it needs to that it made the book boring. As a reader I didn‘t care about any of the characters. What I really cared about is the entity on the mountain but there‘s been nothing. No hide nor hair, 3w
LibrarianRyan just there‘s something on the mountain. This is almost like Midsummer. A great big buildup to fizzle out to nothing and has me thinking “Why does everybody love this?” That‘s where I‘m at in this book, which is why I am at 4 1/2 hours out of 18 and DNFing.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 3w
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Icebreaker | Hannah Grace
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2 ⭐There is nothing about this book that appeals to me. I know this book is a booktok, darling. I know librarians of TikTok who manage middle school libraries saying this book comes up for a lot of middle schoolers as their favorite book. Or as a book, they should be added to the collection. I also know that this book is not intended for middle school at all. It is a new adult steamy romcom. I know that this cover makes this book look like

LibrarianRyan a closed door cutie teen romcom that may be appropriate for middle grade. It‘s not it. It‘s a new adult erotica style book. You have a college ice skater and a college hockey player. One of the skating rinks is vandalized so they all must share one rink. Of course, the hockey player gets together with the ice-skater. I‘m trying to figure out why so many people love this book. I find the woman annoying. I need some actual story not just sex to 3w
LibrarianRyan make a book entertaining. And if the two aren‘t having sex then they‘re describing it or describing the actions with the boyfriends. Or, they are being made fun of by their other friends for their sexual escapades. Seriously there‘s no plot in what i have already read. I know people say page 136. I‘m reading a digital e-book so my page number don‘t match but I‘m at page 100 and could care less. I find the female character to be a snotty 3w
LibrarianRyan perfectionist who is constantly worried about her weight and getting big which is annoying. And the jock has almost no personality, except I carry a big stick and a bang on my chest movement with thoughts of being a sex god. This is not geared towards me and it‘s that belongs with Fifty Shades of Grey i.e. in the recycle bin. There is better stuff out there. This is not a book for middle school. I can see why younger teens in the fresh Bloom of 3w
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LibrarianRyan puberty find this exciting and romantic but at the same time I feel bad that they‘re missing out on actual good material so they can read this. If it‘s not noticeable, this book was a DNF. I have no desire to finish it or pick up any others. 3w
Prairiegirl_reading Middle schoolers!!?? No! 3w
LibrarianRyan @Prairiegirl_reading yeah. The number of MS librarians who talk about asking the kids their favorite book, or what books to add to the collection. This book and many by Collen Hoover. It's sad. 3w
Prairiegirl_reading @LibrarianRyan wow that is so disturbing!! (edited) 3w
mcctrish I‘m reading this right now, I put a hold on it at the library ( thank god I didn‘t buy it ) and I have concerns. I like the consent message, the stocking of ‘girl supplies‘ message but no boys are reading this so who‘s getting that message? Girls know what to look for and just get disappointed? Or they tell their male friends to do this? Anastasia bugs me too and Nathan is large and that‘s really the only prerequisite needed in romance. 3w
LibrarianRyan @mcctrish exactly!!!!!! 3w
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4 ⭐ Welcome back to the Buffy verse. Long time viewers know that there is only one born in every generation. And that the only way to get a new slayer for the previous slayer to die. That is until Willow and Buffy get together and make sure every possible slayer is given their powers so they can defeat evil. But that was 16 years ago. Something has happened to the slayers. At least four are dead, and no one knows where the others are at.

LibrarianRyan We‘re back in Sunnydale with Willow who has a daughter named Frankie. And her daughter has been called up to be the next slayer. Frankie has always known she‘s a witch and has always wanted to be a slayer, but when the actual time comes, yikes! However, she won‘t be alone. Vi‘s sister comes into the picture and Oz‘s nephew who was a born werewolf (not a “made” one) are Frankie‘s best friends. They will create a new Scooby game and start getting 3w
LibrarianRyan down to the bottom of what is happening in Sunnydale. Is the Hellmuth really reopening? This book was fun. It does not end on a cliffhanger, but you don‘t get the end of the story so have book two on hand. If you are a Buffy person, you‘re going to like this book. If you‘ve never watched Buffy in your lifetime, but you like the idea of vampires check this out. My nephew got hooked on the audiobook in the car with us, and he only listened to an h 3w
LibrarianRyan an hour! It‘s nice to see vampire that don‘t sparkle and are sometimes the bad guys. 3w
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julesG Off to get the audiobook. Thanks Ryan! 3w
LibrarianRyan @julesG just don't make the mistake I did. I kept mixing up book 1 and two because my audiobook player was not leving the books in the “reading“ section. I ended up switching between books 1 and 2 so many times. It is not even funny. 3w
julesG I think I'll buy them one by one to avoid confusion. 3w
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4 ⭐ Welcome back to the Buffy world and back to the Frankie lead Scooby gang. They know what happened at the last slayer retreat, they even kind of know what happened to some of the other slayers. Frankie has a new watcher and her new watcher is SPIKE!!!. While we know from the first book that Willow aged up Spike‘s face and magically changed his cloths to tweed, he gets even more into his 40-year-old teaching persona.

LibrarianRyan He‘s not quite Giles, but he substitutes for him very well. Demons are coming back. The hell mouth is at least active, and more and more demons are coming around and we meet a new demon. Technically not a new demon, a very old demon. Older than Angel, but with powers and a good intention. The Scooby gang finds out about something called The Darkness and their role in book 2 is to figure out who the darkness is and how they can be defeated. 3w
LibrarianRyan This was a great continuation to the first book and once again it doesn‘t end on a cliffhanger, and the story doesn‘t end so have book three ready and waiting.

persephone1408 I couldn‘t get into the second one. 3w
LibrarianRyan @persephone1408 I ended up listening to 1&2 at the same time by accident. I kept going back and forth without realizing it. It was odd and stupid but apparently worked. It wasn‘t purposeful that‘s for sure. 3w
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Against the Darkness | Kendare Blake
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4 ⭐ We know who the darkness is. We knew who the bad people are, the villains of this book. We know from the beginning and now it‘s do we defeat the villains or do we do something else. Plus, the Scooby‘s really need to get Buffy back. This book also gets a little bit into Frankie‘s romance with a demon which is interesting but is a little too much Angel angst for this reader. Even Willow is like oh my god, Angel 2.0. I (Willow) do not need

LibrarianRyan to deal with this. Overall, this is a fantastic conclusion to this series. Is this the best book series? Probably not. However, this book ended the series in the right place. I love that this book and the series wasn‘t about the romance, even though that is prevalent in this book, unless you can Willow‘s romance… This was about growing up taking on a new lead and learning that you can do anything and that others believe in you as well. I like this 3w
LibrarianRyan book. I like this series. It was a great trip down memory lane even if I did do a little look up for who some of the old characters were. I think this was a great addition to Buffy and I‘m glad I finally got around to reading them. 3w
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Word Bingo | Donn Byrne
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And I am already for July with a new bingo board. I am aiming for half. #bookspinbingo

lil1inblue So cool! 😎 3w
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Reading Challenge | Lesley Yates
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I did it I completed the Birth and Beyond Reading challenge for 23-24. It was by the skin of my teeth but I did it!! #bbrc.

PuddleJumper 🥳🥳 3w
Crazeedi Congrats!!🎉 3w
Deblovestoread Well done! 3w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 3w
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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Junes #bookspinbingo board wasn‘t too bad.

AmyG These are so pretty. 3w
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Ice Cream Town | Margaret Buckley

4 ⭐ This is fun to read aloud. It has all the mechanics that one wants an easy reader. It also has a cadence so kids when they‘re practicing their reading skills will feel more like their rapping or singing as they‘re reading aloud.


4 ⭐This is a ready to read easy reader. It is a pre-level one. That means this is meant for parents and kids to be reading together. It is very much like one would expect from a dick and Jane book. Very repetitive rhyming words said over and over and over again. Everything about this book works and the story is cute. The illustrations are great.

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4 ⭐For an easy reader, this has a lot of understandable information. I don‘t know who the StoryBots are besides they have a Netflix series. But these weird little robots in a cadence filled rhyming narrative, explain the basics of how money works. Yes, it‘s the very basics, but for the age this is made for it‘s perfect. I was surprised by this book and happier for it.

Uni's First Recital | Amy Krouse Rosenthal
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3 ⭐I liked the original Uni the Unicorn books the easy readers, ehhh. I don‘t know if they‘re based on a TV show or just easy readers, but kids will love them. I as an adult don‘t have to. This is a Step into Reading level two book, but it feels a bit more complicated than most easy readers. I do know that step into readings levels are higher than some other publishers easy reading books.

Zandi's Song | Zandile Ndhlovu
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4 ⭐This is a lovely story. It‘s about a little girl who is given a chance to be a mermaid and explore oceans. She is taught the lessons by the ocean to help keep it clean and help care for the animals because what we do as humans can be destructive to their habitat and their lifecycle. It does it in a lovely way that can get a bit repetitive but overall, this is a lovely book to read.

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4 ⭐This was a nice story. The illustrations are fun and bright. Everything works well together. I feel like I‘ve heard this story before but enjoyed reading this version of it.

Squirrel Needs a Break | Kristen Remenar
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3 ⭐In general, I like this book. The illustrations are great, the story is funny, etc. However, the messaging bothers me. This is a dad that‘s constantly busy with his kids and just needs a break. Part of it, are the kids misbehaving or are they just rambunctious.

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⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐5 ⭐
A cat is telling you all you need to know about dogs and how they are stupid and worthless. Until the cat needs them. This book is funny and full of heart, and the story flows well. There is nothing to dislike about this book. The illustrations are drawn to look like a very good kid did them. This is the type of book I think of when I think of happy books and I‘m glad that they‘re putting out stories like this.

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3 ⭐In a time when participation trophies are handed out to most kids, this book looks at not getting a trophy. It says it‘s OK to not get a trophy. That what matters isn‘t if you win or if you lose, but it‘s the person you are, and how you get where you‘re at. I really like that message. I also really like the illustrations in this book. The book is long, especially towards the end.

In Time | Marina Ruiz
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4 ⭐This book is about a child‘s perception of time. How, to an adult it may be just a moment, but to a kid it‘s a mini lifetime. It‘s also about how time slows when something is fascinating, like watching saplings or wind blow. This was nice but it would be hard to convey the lesson in a group setting and would work much better as a bedtime book.

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4 ⭐Torla is a smaller than average giraffe and Smorla is an average giraffe. When one has a problem the other helps. This book was super fun and cute. The story is simple but sometimes that‘s all it takes. The illustrations are what brings this book to life and the funny sizing also helps. I‘d be happy to have this in my collection at any time.

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3 ⭐This book is the usual question when someone tries to pick something for every letter of the alphabet: What about X? In this case all the alphabets are going on a camping trip and everybody‘s going to bring something for camping, but who wants to play with an x-ray and what happens when the xylophone is broken? This book wasn‘t bad. The illustrations are fun and it‘s a nice addition to the usual alphabet books.

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4 ⭐This book is like many in the series. It‘s a fun little rhyming book about the man who brings sleep. Some of the rhymes are harsh and that harness causes the cadence to stagger. Overall, this is a good book, but it‘s not my favorite of the series.

Roary47 I love these books! We have the mermaid, Easter bunny, and leprechaun. 🥰 1mo
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Dinosaurs in Space | Todd Sturgell
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4 ⭐Just when I thought there wasn‘t anything new to learn about dinosaurs, we learn that dinosaur fragments could possibly exist on the moon. This fun book that isn‘t just an information dump, but where the dinosaurs interact with the reader. It‘s fun and interesting and kids who like dinosaurs are going to love this book.

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4 ⭐This is both biography and a philosophy about finding uses for old things. An everyday sanitation worker in New York City collected things that were broken, but could be fixed could be reused, could be reimagined. He turned his treasures into a museum. His idea was to show people that what one person thinks is trash, could be treasure because he grew up with the lesson that all things are used until there is no use left.

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4 ⭐This was a fabulous biography of a little known, strongest woman in the world. Katie was always big and tall when women were supposed to be meek, mild, and quiet. Not only could she out lift anybody, out wrestle anybody, she could also fight verbally for her rights and women suffrage. This book was a joy to read and will have a girls going “I can do that too”.

'Twas the Night Before Christmas | Clement Clarke Moore
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4 ⭐Did you read and love all of the Bear books by Jane Chapman? You know: Bear Stays up for Christmas, Bear Snores On, Bear Wants More. Chapman has reimagined Twas the Night Before Christmas within her bear universe. Santa is a polar bear visiting the bear family. And his sleigh is a slay full of dogs. Most of the wording is the same, but some lines are changed to match this version of the story. Everything works together fabulously.

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3 ⭐Thank goodness there is a pronunciation guide to the end of this book. This is a simple book that lists various types of pasta. If you‘re saying the names right it‘ll rhyme, if you‘re not, it‘s a tongue twister. I think a book that names the various type of pasta and gets to the pasta sauces will be very helpful with picky eaters.

Pillow Talk | Stephanie Cooke
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4.5 ⭐This is a mashup of the movie Whip It, about roller derby, and the TV series Glow, about professional women‘s wrestling. This book was such a fun read. Based on the cover, I thought it was going to be a middle grade book. It is solidly an adult graphic novel. Teens may enjoy it, but it is aimed for young adults. The story is very similar to the movies mentioned before and that a girl discovers that professional pillow fighting is a thing

LibrarianRyan and thinks “I can do that”. They not only become very good at it, and comes out of their shell because they found their new niche. I love everything about this! I love the idea of taking a pillow fight from ladies in skimpy negligee, to real women controlling their outcomes, and taking the male view out of pillow fighting. There‘s also the idea of family, of standing up for yourself, and seeing all the good things about yourself that other people 1mo
LibrarianRyan see. This book was a joy from the first page to the last and I would love to see it get read by as many people as possible. And all honesty I want to see this on the Goodreads list of best graphic novels come the end of 2024. 1mo
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4 ⭐This is the mostly true story of the young man that brought mami, a type of noodle dish, in the Philippines. His is a story of hard work and devotion. This was an interesting story and a lovely biography of a man many may not learn of otherwise.


3 ⭐I understand the concept of making science fun and entertaining. This book set up to do that and it is semi successful. There is lot of information in this book. And it‘s just one of a series of books that discuss the periodic table. The information is spot on however this is designed as a reference book. I think something simpler would work better. This is designed for middle grade, but the cover makes it more approachable to elementary,

LibrarianRyan but it may be a hard for most readers to get a lot out of this book because there is so much information on so few pages. 1mo
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