This RF book is about a young girl who suffers from anxiety. Throughout the book she discovers strategies she can use to manage her anxiety and still be successful in school. This book would be good for a dramatic reenactment. #UCFSU19
UDL: 9.2
EL: https://youtu.be/gpAijfP99Ng
Worksheet to go with book: http://www.hasd.org/cms_files/resources/book%20study%20wilman%20jean%20and%20the...
KDrake I love that this is a children's book that touches on the realistic subject of having anxiety/stress in school. Hopefully, this book could be used in a classroom to help students learn strategies to cope with and control their anxious feelings/behaviors. 6y
Bmelendez92 This is a real life thing! Again another book that talks about subjects that I couldn‘t even begin to break down to a primary level! Books like these are amazing to have because they speak volumes ! 6y
Kayladvazquez This looks like such a cute book. I feel this would be a great book to read around testing time to help students relax and find ways to cope with their anxiety. I agree this would be a great dramatic reenactment. I would love to see students perform and act it out. 6y
Lindseyraepalmx I wish I would have had this book when I was in school. This could be a great read for students struggling with the same issues. 6y
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