Not as engaging as her first but an interesting read so far.
I'm having to start my kindle collection from scratch, as I no longer have access to the account all my previous purchases were on. Can anyone recommend any reads on offer? I already grabbed Women of Troy from the daily deals today. These are all I have so far. Thank you 💜
Loved this conclusion of the companion to “The Silence of the Girls.”‘While the SOTG was before the fall of Troy and during it, this one takes place after the Greeks conquered the Trojans, and what the fates of the Trojan women at the hands of the Greeks.
‘The watching women moved closer, gathering round her where she knelt on the filthy sand, joining their cries with hers - until they turned from women into wolves, the same terrible howl coming from a hundred throats. And I howled with them, horrified at the sounds I was making, but unable to stop. Hecamede howled, and Amina, all of us, for the loss of our homeland - for the loss of our fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, for everybody we‘d loved.‘
Another myth retelling! A well-written story about the aftermath of the Trojan War, told through the eyes of the captured women. Like Ariadne, it‘s a testament to the mantra that Ancient Men are Terrible and women shoulder so much. The only thing I didn‘t like is the book flap said Briseis was looking for “revenge.” It made me think the Trojan women would do something extreme to the Greeks, but they didn‘t. It was more survival than fighting back.
Waterstones on gower street London making the most of this book in it‘s window display!
I love me a good Greek myth retelling & Pat Barker has had me in pieces yet again with this one. It's slow to get going but when it does, oh my feels! The suffering, sacrifice & strength of these women is told in such an understated manner that I was enthralled - the powerful men are still killing & controlling, the women still serving & surviving. Fascinating, poignant, beautifully written & a pleasure to read. Need more please Pat!
Starting this one! I'm having a little run of really enjoyable reads - pretty sure this one is going to continue that.
Oh my days, I have had such a lucky few days. This is another title I've been really looking forward to and the second one I've been invited to view! Got some great reading coming up, I'm so excited.
Life sometimes gives you lemons, but then to say sorry it gives you something nice as well.... #grateful
With thanks to #penguin for this book
Another pre-order. Think it's time to get off the Internet before I bankrupt myself!