This is very brief. I feel weird even giving it a rating. She should consider expanding her ideas here. A collection of indigenous peoples stories about using stories and story telling to deal with emotions/anxiety would be awesome.
This is very brief. I feel weird even giving it a rating. She should consider expanding her ideas here. A collection of indigenous peoples stories about using stories and story telling to deal with emotions/anxiety would be awesome.
“There is a school of thought that says “what you focus on is what grows”.On the surface this is a lovely sentiment.It says we are responsible for our own success,that we should put all our energy into what it is we want to accomplish or achieve or receive.This kind of ‘law of attraction‘ philosophy has been designed,as far as I can tell to let us feel empowered and it is a great way to encourage positive thinking, getting people to focus on the
“From that day on,I held this fracturing fear In my tiny ribcage.It made me shy.It made me prone to fistfights. It made me ashamed.I got used to keeping secrets I shouldn‘t,secrets others swore me to. I silenced myself in case,when I opened my mouth, I screamed instead of whispering.I started craving patterns,counting things and moving certain ways,because if I could control the patterns, then maybe I could make myself safe with that tightly -