This story shows how people can develop and change for the good. The main character is taken on a moral journey after he really desires the trendy new shoes everyone else is wearing.
This story shows how people can develop and change for the good. The main character is taken on a moral journey after he really desires the trendy new shoes everyone else is wearing.
This RF book discusses themes that I always want shared in my classroom which is needs vs wants, compassion, bullying, and friendship. It follows a main character‘s journey to find the perfect pair of shoes so he can “belong” and when he finally finds them but in the wrong size, does he share or does he want others who can‘t have them to suffer with him?
Have you ever made a mistake to try to fit in? In the heartbreaking RF “Those Shoes” by
Maribeth Boelts. Jeremy learns a lesson about needs and wants and in the end makes a sacrifice bigger than himself. Develop self-assessment and reflection can be adapted to URL 9.3 making this a great book to help with social emotional issues as well. This story can be used as a DR or a RA.
Everyone, including Jeremy, wants "those shoes," but both Jeremy and Antonio can't afford them. A tale of luck and kindness unfolds.
A great read for grade schoolers, especially for the classroom.