The illustrations in this book are amazing for student engagement. I love the message of a young girl who grew into a successful musician. I would definitely include this in my classroom for grades 1-3.
The illustrations in this book are amazing for student engagement. I love the message of a young girl who grew into a successful musician. I would definitely include this in my classroom for grades 1-3.
I love this topic and want to work hard to work topics into my classroom such as sports that I may not normally seek out. In hopes to accommodate every student in my class. Ensuring there is something to interest everyone. I love the sports theme about an extremely prominent and successful. basketball player.
This could be an engaging topic about Jane Goodalls life and experiences with animals. More specifically chimps. I would include this in my 1-2 grade classroom.
I think this is a great topic to include in a 1-3 grade classroom. I feel space/astronaut theme could be super engaging for some students. I love the illustrations and the overall message of going for your dreams.
I love that this story talks about the civil rights movement. I think it would be a great history lesson and conversation starter about standing up for the things you believe in. I would read this to a 3rd or 4th grade class.
I feel this is a great read for around 2nd grade. I think many students would relate to the main characters special interest: animals. I would include this in my future classroom and integrate it into a science lesson.
This incorporates the vast space of a child‘s imagination and ties in the life of Albert Einstein. I would definitely include this in my future classroom as it relates to my students while inspiring them to go further and stay curious.
Ocean books are my favorite. This is about the life of marine biologists, Jacques Cousteau and all the ocean exploration she accomplished.
This could inspire young artists as this gives us a glimpse of Kandinsky‘s life and rise of his art fame journey.
Women in STEM is something I will represent in my future classroom. This book does a great job at empowering young girls with the story of how Catherine saved the Apollo 13 space mission!
I would incorporate this book into my classroom to talk about adversities that other people endure around the world. This book would be a great conversation starter for many moral mini lessons.
A touching a heartfelt story about a young girl who stood up for women‘s rights and education. I love the representation I would pull into my classroom with using this book.
I used to love books like this as a young reader. I love how it summarizes the key points of Lincoln‘s life and making it understandable for younger readers.
This is a heartfelt book about a family who endures a house fire and loses their belongings. I love this book because it touches on topics such as the importance of community, and experiencing an altering event.
I love the representation this book offers. I talks about the different culture of students that need to be represented in my classroom.
This is an amazing book for social emotional regulation. Would be very beneficial for age ranges K-3. I will definitely include this in my future classroom.
This book is a good pick for older readers around the 4th grade age. I love the themes of this as I love nature themes I think it‘s very engaging for elementary age students.
I think this is a great pick for students who love illustrations. I love how the cover contrasts the actual poems and inside of the book! Great pick for younger readers. Specifically 1st grade.
I love this poem because it‘s centered around nature and all the things that a younger reader would pay attention to in the summer!! This is a good poem for roughly 1st grade.
A great poetry book for younger readers around 1st or 2nd grade. I would keep this in my classroom as I like how it‘s silly and light hearted.
I love this poetry book for its representation and would be great for a younger grade such as 2nd or 3rd. However, it could be used more loosely.
This is a great fact book for younger students. It‘s all about how animals keep warm during cold times.
I think this is a great informative story about figures who are often forgotten or not recognized in the overall teaching of history.
I love this story and grew up with it. It‘s a very inspiration plot about a girl who was tragically attacked by a shark when she was surfing. The story is about how she overcomes and still peruses her passion of surfing.
An inspiring true story about a lady who is a fearless scientist. I love this representation and would definitely have it in my class.
I love this story line. It is an inspirational story line about the effects of one small thing and the big outcomes it‘ll lead to.
A great nonfiction book that I would have in my classroom. It is an inspirational story about Rosa Parks who stayed in her seat on the bus instead of moving when asked.
This is a great message about a boy who evolves from disliking poetry to then loving it. It includes many iconic poems from famous poets.
I love these books because of their illustrations. As well as the silly yet relatable themes.
One of my favorite authors. This book is filled with silly poems for readers around 3/4grade
This poetry book is for older readers around 4th grade. I love the representation in this book. Very heartfelt poems to get students thinking a bit deeper. I would definitely have this in my classroom.
This story is about a family who immigrated and did not speak the native language. They found comfort in books.
I love this book for young readers and the message about kindness and perseverance. I would definitely use this is my classroom around 4th grade.
This book serves as a great symbol of what different families and cultures are made of! The illustrations are great. It is a burning story about food, love, culture, and family!
I love this book because it‘s about a mother and daughter enjoying their day together. Except everything keeps going wrong! In the end, it is heartwarming when the little girl reassures her mom.
This story shows how people can develop and change for the good. The main character is taken on a moral journey after he really desires the trendy new shoes everyone else is wearing.
This is a great book to read with younger kids. It shows the day in the life of a boy and his grandma.
I think this is a great representative book for young readers. I love the illustrations as well.
Good book for around 4th grade level reading. I love the plot as it‘s engaging.
This book gives a great representation of a dealing with a disorder in the classroom. Specifically ADHD and the challenges someone with this would face.
A fun and imaginative story line. Exposing the reader to an inspiring story about achieving your dreams.
A great story that allows the reader to expand their perspective or perhaps relate to the amazing story.
One of my favorites growing up. Allows children to gain many different perspectives and relate to other people in a silly way.
Great academic message to young readers concerning math
I love the message of this book
This book gives a different perspective on the classic story and I love that. Would save for older readers.
One of my favorite classic stories. This book did a great job portraying.