Very beautiful testimonies, Jesus loves the skeptical, the forgotten and the pornstar were by far my most favorite chapters of this book.
“God loves us uniquely rather than equally… infinitely”
The same way as we love our kids; our love is not divided is multiplied in ways that are immeasurable. I love each of my daughters uniquely. 💕
Educational, insightful, information needed for the parent who wants to be a better parent and raise quality children, biblically strong
El Niño encuentra libertad cuando sabe con seguridad donde están sus límites #disciplina
A good pick for those who are new Christians, or whoever wants to have a small briefing of every most known and influential leaders in the Bible history.
Constantemente queremos cambiar para ser mejores personas, pero no podremos hacerlo con nuestras propias fuerzas, no podemos cambiar lo que nos rodea, ni las circunstancias: es sobrellevar las situaciones con la ayuda de Dios, el mayor enfoque es: alabar a Dios adorarlo y El se encargara de lo demás. ?? #Diosdejusticia
Knowing that in this world we are in a constant battle with the Enemy. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” -Ephesians 6:12
#rawtruth #knowledgeispower
During this pandemic of covid19 it is very easy to get anxious about what is happening around us, and as I was reading i came across to this part of the book, and it reminds me of what it is to have peace. #JehovaShalom #princeofpeace #Godismypeace #Shalom
“Una mejor percepción produce una fuerte intercesión”
“La duda, la desobediencia y la incredulidad empañan nuestra visión espiritual, traen condenación y nos impiden orar con Fe y valentía”
Mom review🌟: Good, funny and interactive, the drawings are really cute!
These 2 friends work their way together strategically to obtain an apple on the tree and share it.
🌟Mom review: simple reading. simple story about sharing.
🌟 Mom review: bilingual book ✔️❤️
as a Hispanic mom raising her kid in the U.S Is important to me for my kid to learn to read both languages.
Illustrations ✔️
ending of story line 👎🏻❌
‼️Book is about a hard working hen who asked for help, which she didn‘t get, at the end, she ended up making bread for herself, and didn‘t share with the farm animals to “teach them a lesson”.
Contiene información de la experiencia personal del autor de cómo y porque la guerra espiritual comenzó a tomar importancia en su vida, que fue lo que lo influenció a inclinarse a esa área. También Se redactan elementos básicos del porque es importante no ignorar las artimañas del enemigo.
Este libro es interesante, mantiene información acerca de cómo identificar el lenguaje de amor predominante en las personas que nos rodean y diferentes maneras en cómo podemos comunicar amor de manera que sea entendible fortaleciendo así las relaciones que mantenemos con nuestros cónyuges, padres e hijos/as.