Done the reorganization and Dead as a Doornail
Done the reorganization and Dead as a Doornail
Listening to Dead to the World while I rip apart and put back together my room! It's great company.
As I read more and more I've realized that I like two things Urban fantasy and series. I get attached to characters and miss them when a series is done. Lucky for me there are a billion series to get lost in.
I e been hooked since I started listening to this audio book! My first of the new year has been a success. The only problem is it will only last two days!! 😳
Started reading Secondhand souls this week. So far it's great but I really should have re-read A Dirty Job first.
Slowly listening to Wicked Girls. So strange that this may be one of the last of the year! Anyone listen/read this book? What did you think?
Some great things said in this book. I will for sure be looking to read more from Jessica