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Lobizona: A Novel | Romina Garber
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I feel like the book gets more interesting as it goes on. While the beginning was boring Manu's struggles with menstruation are relatable to me as a woman as it's part of being a woman. Just like some movies start off slow I feel like this book started out slow but got more interesting as the story went on.

Lobizona: A Novel | Romina Garber
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I felt sorry for Manu when she said she had no friends her age. When she goes to a birthday party it's interesting how it was the best and worst day of her life. The blond kid throwing her into the pool was harsh. It showed how mean some kids can be at times. It's interesting to read about her thoughts about people her age.

Lobizona: A Novel | Romina Garber
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This book isn't my favorite but I like the Spanish throughout it as I've been taking Spanish for a few years. I like learning the different words throughout the book. I also like learning about the culture so that part of the book is interesting.

Lobizona: A Novel | Romina Garber
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I just started reading the book but it starts dully. It doesn't grab my attention or excite me enough to where I want to see what's going to happen next. It just seems so basic and unoriginal. I'm also not a fan of the images on the book cover as it looks like it was just thrown on there. If I was looking for a book to read in the library or an online bookstore I would scroll past it.

kristinsmoyer Although I haven‘t found this book super exciting so far, I will say I do really like the cover art! It seems whimsical, and I like the patterns in her hair + the moon behind her head. I also think the writing style is smooth to read. (edited) 1mo
sarabeth_donaldson What interested me from the get-go was the vulnerability around menstruation. These are physical struggles that all women go through, and some of the struggles are worse than others. I believe teenagers would be able to relate to this character really well, which I like. 1mo
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This part of the book perfectly describes the mean spirited personality of Matron who is in charge of the all girls boarding school. She is a grouchy no nonsense old lady. It‘s especially clear when she would talk to Daisy in a harsh manner. Daisy‘s mother ‘Ma‘‘s Personality is the opposite as Ma is joyful, kind, and caring. Ma‘s love for her daughter Daisy is shown throughout the book even when they are separated as she sends Daisy postcards.

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When Ma has to go to the Amazon for her job as a reporter Daisy is forced to stay at an all girls boarding school for the last two weeks of the fall semester since the Amazon is too dangerous for her. As Daisy and her mother say their goodbyes emotions run high. This scene is powerful because being separated from family for the first time is tough. I remember moving into my dorm at Piedmont freshmen year and being away from family.

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I like how some pages of the book have images throughout the story. This makes the story more interesting as some of the characters are seen and readers can visualize the story.

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This story was interesting! I enjoyed reading about Daisy‘s adventures as she moves to different places with her news reporter mom. Daisy embarks on emotional journeys throughout the book. This book is immersive and I would definitely recommend reading it.

No Place Like Home | James Bird
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I admire how Opin stayed true to his Native American heritage despite his situation. Throughout the book Opin looks to his roots to get him through every crisis he faces, and I found it interesting to learn more about Indian culture.

No Place Like Home | James Bird
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Opin is dreaming however it is actually a memory of when he and his mother and brother got kicked out of their apartment after his mom couldn‘t afford rent. The despair of the family as they are forced out of their home is unimaginable. This also shows how heartless people can be. This is how Opin and his. Family were forced to live in their car. Opin is resilient as he endures his situation.

No Place Like Home | James Bird
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In this part of the book, a puppy wanders to the car Opin is staying in with his family. He instantly connects with her and is sympathetic towards her. The puppy becomes his new friend throughout his journey. This part of the story is relatable because my family had one dog when I was a child up until college and we just recently got a new puppy. Dogs are great companions and help us through hard times as my dogs have helped me as well.

When Stars Are Scattered | Victoria Jamieson, Omar Mohamed
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I admire how the refugees make the best of their situation and celebrate a holiday traditional to their culture. One of the best traits people can have is the ability to make the best out of an unfortunate situation. It was interesting to learn about Ramadaan and Eid and the different traditions that went with the celebrations

amw40488 It was so interesting to learn about their traditions and celebrations! The opportunity to celebrate a holiday that they've been accustomed to for probably their wholes lives seemed like a welcome reprieve from their daily hardships. I'm glad the community was able to make these memories and have these days of celebration even as they dealt with their unfortunate circumstances. 1mo
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When Stars Are Scattered | Victoria Jamieson
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This part of the book is sad because as children we believe everything will be ok, but as we get older reality hits.

kristinsmoyer This is so sad. :( I love how Omar learns that though things don‘t always turn out the way we wish, we can choose to make the most of our circumstances. Though we are faced with tragedy, our family connections and relationship to God can help us maintain strength. 1mo
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No Place Like Home | James Bird
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This book is amazing! The story is told from the perspective of a 12-year-old boy named Opin who lives in a car with his mother and older brother. The narrator goes into specific details about life in a car constantly being on the road and having to sleep in the car. Reading this book makes me think about how much we take for granted in life such as having a house, food, and, a bed.

When Stars Are Scattered | Victoria Jamieson, Omar Mohamed
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This image shows the environment Omar and his brother stay in. It gives readers the perspective of how refugees live and what they face everyday. They live in camps and struggle from hunger. On top of that they struggle to get an education. This makes me feel bad for people who actually have to live this way and struggle.

When Stars Are Scattered | Victoria Jamieson
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I like how this book is a graphic novel cause readers see everything from the characters, facial expressions, settings, etc.. Readers won‘t have to try to imagine what happens. Also it‘s easier to see the characters‘ personalities.

sarabeth_donaldson I also love the graphic novel structure of this book! It‘s a great choice from the authors. It reminds me of the graphic novel “Persepolis” by Marjane Satrapi. 1mo
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Part 2 of the book talks about racial stereotypes. This is a big issue especially for African-Americans as we have the worst stereotypes. We‘re seen as lazy, afraid of water, loud. There are plenty of black people with successful careers including my family. I love to swim, and have been snorkeling. My family from Florida go scuba diving all the time. I‘m the quietest person I know and I have friends of different races.

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This quote is so true. This book talks about the problem of racism we‘ve been facing throughout history. In today‘s society social media is a big influence and is where many people meet others, spread info, express opinions, and feelings, etc. I like how Slater described different social media accounts, who follows who, and the number of follows because it‘s a big deal in this day and age.

Alexa_Cussans I also really like how this book handles these topics. I personally feel like it did a better job than What The Fact because Accountable focuses a lot more on the psychological aspect of social media. 2mo
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Towards the end of part 1 of the book Slater describes how black people were murdered for stuff like being successful, buying property, or for just being themselves. As a black woman this makes me reflect on what my ancestors, grandparents, and parents had to go through. While racism is frowned upon today it‘s still prevalent as we see police brutality towards black men. We see discrimination towards people of color in the workplace.

Alexa_Cussans I also like how this book addresses the fact that racism is still a current issue today. I think this book does a great job explaining modern racism and it‘s problems 2mo
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People who are racist are some of the most malevolent people on earth. It‘s not right to mistreat people because of the color of their skin. This nefarious behavior is damaging to the targeted race. There is no excuse for mistreating a person for the way they look. We are all human beings and no race is superior or inferior.

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More books like this one should be published. While reading is a great source for entertainment it‘s great for educating readers on important topics such as the effects of misinformation.

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Whenever I read a book I always look at the cover to get an idea of what to expect. First off all I like the unique title of the book. I like how the cover is filled with images that we see all the time on the media. To me the way the cover of a book is presented is crucial because it gives me as a reader a first impression.

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I‘m listening to the audiobook and I liked how the narrator included the alert sound effects of social media and other media alerts into the narrative. It‘s definitely an accurate symbol of today‘s society.

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I just started reading the book but it‘s interesting. Chapter 1 describes how people have been guided through false information during the pandemic. There were several theories. One media post called the virus a hoax and people believed it until it affected them. Misinformation can serious cause people like Bryan and Aaron when they were infected by Covid 19 causing Aaron to die from the disease. Everyone should do research for themselves.

sarabeth_donaldson I think it‘s so interesting that Yasmin uses the recent global pandemic as an opportunity to talk about misinformation. I completely agree that everyone should do their own research! I do remember, however, that in the early stages of COVID, there wasn‘t that much reliable information about the virus. Yes, people were being misled, and nobody knew what to believe. Sometimes doing your own research is scarier. (edited) 2mo
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There are parts of the book that did not resonate with me because I am a Christian, and I believe what the Bible says about marriage being between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24). I know times are changing and so are societal norms but I stand by my Biblical beliefs about romance and marriage.

DanyYnad I recommend you reread this book more in depth because you may find that the message Lo is sending with the portrayal of Lily‘s character and journey shows how negative views of queer people has been harmful throughout history and clearly even today. 2mo
ms.miranda_readsbooks I‘m not sure that biblical beliefs are exactly relevant to this story. This book was a beautiful representation of the journey that a young queer woman goes through within her journey of trying to understand herself in a world that was practically built to bring her down. Many of the issues discussed in it are terrifyingly relevant today. (edited) 2mo
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This book does a great job describing what we as women have to go through. Throughout history we were always expected to look a certain way, and even though fashion has changed throughout history the pressure for us women to dress and look a certain way still prevails.

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I like the cover of the book. I like how the letters are glowing in colors as this shows the author's creativity. I like how it shows the setting on the cover as well because gives readers an idea of what the scenery looks like throughout the story.

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The book cover sticks out to me in a few ways. I like how there is a paper airplane on the cover as it reminds me of my childhood when my dad taught me how to make those. Also, I like how everyone's name is included as it gives recognition to every storyteller.

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Overall this was my favorite book that we've read so far. Whimsy is relatable as we all try to navigate the world while dealing with our problems. The book does a great job of detailing Whimsy's attitude about life and the world around her.

Solito: A Memoir | Javier Zamora
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I always enjoy reading about others' journeys and I enjoyed reading about Javier's. From the obstacles to the people he met. I also admired how he was able to adapt to every place he went.

Solito: A Memoir | Javier Zamora
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This quote is something we can all relate to. I believe we all need to isolate ourselves from the chaos around us. Sometimes we need some alone time.

Solito: A Memoir | Javier Zamora
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I take Spanish and I like how this text describes Hispanic culture throughout the text. This text also does a great job of explaining the culture.

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I liked how the story was set in the 1950s. It gave a great image of how the environment was during that period. It's interesting to read about the cultural expectations of the 50s and times before I was born. This book goes into great detail about it.

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I noticed how the narrator wrote her story in the form of a poem. It‘s a unique way to tell a story. It shows how unique everyone‘s life story is unique. That is another thing which stood out to me.

Alexa_Cussans I also really liked how the poem was written in verse! I‘m not used to reading prose poetry, so this was a fun challenge for me 2mo
kodieleidson I also really liked how it was written as well. It was a really interesting way to read this book. 2mo
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This part of the book shown in the picture stood out to me. As Whimsy sits with the group during group therapy she assigned nicknames to the other patients in her group. She did it based on her perception of her fellow patients. People often nickname friends and family members. In grade school children are often nicknamed by their peers depending on their personality, looks, the clothes they wear, and popularity.

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The title of the book is true when it comes to the general population. People are great on putting on a smile for others around them. However in the inside people are struggling with many mental issue such as depression which is what the narrator Whimsy was struggling with. We are so great at hiding our emotions as anyone can fake a smile by pain can‘t be hidden forever.

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Sports are a big part of society nowadays. “How to Transform an Everyday, Ordinary Hoop Court into a Place of Higher Learning and You at the Podium“ by Matt de la Pena was a great story. I liked how the author used basketball to talk about finding your place in the world. Sports have a way of bringing people together and this story is a great example.

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While reading Flying Lessons & Other Stories I liked how many people of different races and ethnicities were represented. Diversity is important because not all readers are the same and everyone should be able to relate to a story while reading. Plus I believe that all readers should learn about different cultures which help well-roundedness.

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This book is full of interesting stories. I enjoy reading different people's unique life stories. Every person has a story to tell and Flying Lesson & Other Stories by Ellen Oh does a great job representing that.

Solito: A Memoir | Javier Zamora
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This book is amazing! I enjoyed reading about the adventures of Javier as he ventured through different countries to get to the US. What stood out to me the most throughout this whole book was the fact that was an unaccompanied minor. The reason being is when I would travel I would see unaccompanied minors and I used to wonder what it was like traveling as an unaccompanied minor and this story gave me insight about the situation through Javier.