I really liked this one. Its not a big epic or the next winner of a Nobel Price. But its entertaining and unputdownable. FUNNY GIRL is a clever and funny read about a sitcom in London in the sixties. Its about creaitivity, freedom and relationships.
"Ét øjeblik lægger sig
over et andet, ordløst,
som nysne dækker den gamle."
Mon #fredagsbog. Oui, oui - c'est tres bien. #beklagermitskolefransk
"All she wanted to do was talk about books with him."
I'm a fan of Dave Eggers. Big fan. And A HOLOGRAM FOR THE KING was just as good as I hoped. Actually... that's not true: it was better.
Dave Eggers is the best - you must read this novel. And the others.
En af de bedste danske romaner, som jeg har læst længe.