I love Patti Smith so much
I finished this while sitting by the river in Savannah listening to Otis Redding and Clairo
I love Patti Smith so much
I finished this while sitting by the river in Savannah listening to Otis Redding and Clairo
really good points I think for me it was really repetitive and giving more of intersectionality 101 but still really insightful very direct/straight to the point and an easy read
thinking ...
a lot
brought me to tears many times
big and kind set boundaries
it's okay to fight creatively if how you once fought was not sustainable, society teaches us to fight individually but we need to fight collectively
Favorites in order
1. The Land of Sad Oranges
2. Letter from Gaza
3. The Falcon
4. A Hand in the Grave
5. Umm Saad
6. If you were a Horse
7. Men in the Sun
Identity is becoming. Identity is intersectional.
reading theory takes a lot of mental energy for me so I was bored
After the Last Exile
“what is true of all exile is not that home and love are lost, but that loss is inherent in the very existence of both“
very insightful. i read this in berlin and it did fit the vibe of spiritual artsy
So many emotions. I caught myself literally laughing out loud, crying, angry throughout this book. 🇵🇸
I initially only picked this out because the cover was aesthetically please (yes i will always judge a book by its cover) and i ended up loving it
i really liked how throughout the whole book we knew what the ending would be but there was so much suspension to find out how it happened so i wanted to sit and read to see how it did
as someone with adhd it‘s always been hard for me to want to finish books but this was no problem
HOLY CRAP i haven‘t been this engrossed in a book for awhile. I‘m at a loss for words. So disturbing and so good, I couldn‘t put it down. I would go out with my friends and just be thinking of going home to read. The ending makes me question everything like I never have for any book
wondering if I should go vegetarian after reading this
the space of lack is also our space of possibility
lovelessness is a wound
i think if i read this faster i would‘ve enjoyed it more but i left the book at my work for 6 months
whoopi goldberg is mommy
“you can learn to have grace, and that‘s heaven”
you can tell she‘s a poet while you‘re reading this
the sentences are very short and descriptive
it‘s very inspiring if you want to be a poet yourself
read this awhile ago but free palestine 🇵🇸❤️
Wow wow wow.
I can‘t count the amount of times I cried while reading this. She explains how it feels to be biracial in America so well like wow
“it was so ironic that I, who once longed to resemble my white peers and desperately hoped my Koreanness would go unnoticed, was now absolutely terrified that this stranger in the bathhouse could not see it.”
This hit too close to home bc Teta is sick and only has 4 months left. Teta is my Uma
there‘s no other way to describe her writing style, just LESBIAN
i love learning about hinduism a lot of symbolism and dharma and vishnu and lag dah da
quite boring
i like non fiction usually bc it inspires my writing but not this one i only underlined one sentence 😪
took me forever to read probably because i started it when i was hella mentally ill and going through shit
but i took it as a sort of self guide to life
helped me understand how insignificant stressful things are in our everyday lives
noam does an amazing job of explaining what needs to be done and why the past is so important to the present and how we have reached today
in other words fuck israel :)
read this last summer and it influenced my view of the world so much
if you‘re interested in buddhism and need a place to start this is a great book to read it puts the whole philosophy and way of life into modern terms so it‘s great for a translation of buddhist teachings into your life now and how we can find enlightenment in the chaos of today
i read this for my death class and wow i learned so much about grief and the process of coming to terms with the loss of so many loved ones i would def recommend to anyone if you are gay or if you aren‘t
a good perspective about aids and it‘s effect on the gay community in chicago also cool cause i live in the street where a lot of stuff took place in this book
i could NOT put this down
i recommend to literally everyone
taught me so much about myself and others and what define and empower means especially how to translate that into action
audre is my favorite writer she articulates details so eloquently i can feel and smell and see everything written in all of her books
as a lesbian please marry me
i love toni morrison but a lot of her books don‘t get to the point until the end but her writing is always beautiful and inspiring