Nothing like a good book with some hot chocolate.
Nothing like a good book with some hot chocolate.
The word "nervous" means "worried about something" --you might feel nervous, for instance, if you were served prune ice cream for dessert, because you would be worried that it would taste awful. whereas the word "anxious" means "troubled by disturbing suspense," which you might feel if you were served a live alligator for dessert, because you would be troubled by the disturbing suspense about whether you would eat your dessert or it would eat you.
My name is David, by the way. Um, hi. I once saw a man's kidney grow tentacles, tear itself out of a ragged hole in his back and go slapping across my kitchen floor.
I dug in my pocket and pulled out one of the pink chunks. They were steak-shaped dog treats, complete with little brown grill lines. I realized at that moment that no dog would know what those grill lines were and they were purely for my benefit.
Frank found out the hard way that the dark things lurking in the night don't haunt old houses or abandoned ships. They haunt minds.
Reading Jdate again with my goodest pal @Hearthstone !!! Barely through the prologue and I'm having so many revelations already.
Perhaps I could stay at the Waystation and direct operations while Calypso and Leo did the actual fighting. That seemed only fair, since I'd had to scrub the dishes.
That moment when you turn two girls immortal and then find out they didn't call on you to do so . . . Awkward
My final thoughts on the book are pretty simple. It's not perfect, no book will ever be. But, the story flowed so well from point A to point B. Just sitting here trying to find one thing it could have done without is hard, because almost everything had a purpose. How Ersel felt about being betrayed, everything with Loki, Ragna leaving. It all had it's purpose in the plot and in Ersel's character growth. Plus, it was pretty gay which I LOVED. ♡♡♡!!
What we had might not be forever, but it was now, and it was everything I needed.
Damn so much is going down in this book rn. I'm about halfway through and I have not been disappointed. There's mermaids and it's gay as hell, which is everything I want in a book. But I did NOT see this twist coming, despite a few hints of it. I won't spoil it, but oh man I have no idea where this book could be heading now. AAHHH!!