We read this together in class. I had finished my coffee and was snacking on pita chips. Ness didn‘t end up getting to speak much and I felt bad in the moment.
We read this together in class. I had finished my coffee and was snacking on pita chips. Ness didn‘t end up getting to speak much and I felt bad in the moment.
I read this last night in bed already having put my shoes on to go for a walk. It was late and I was very tired after my first day of classes. I went to sleep very soon after reading this, but I did go for a short walk.
I read this during my lunch break at school in the studio. I drank coffee from a travel mug and ate half a bagel left over from yesterday‘s breakfast. I sat on the couch in the back of the room. I was anxious to finish it.
I read this while drinking the coffee that had come with my bagel. I‘ve been sitting next to a beautiful old piano which hasn‘t seen use it a long time it seems. I took piano lessons for three years as a child because we had a nice Steinway and my mother insisted. Even though I never practiced part of me always feels like I could just pick up piano at any time now if I wanted to.
I read this while eating a bagel at my favorite cafe. I like to sit in the cafe and read until everyone who was there when I got there has left. It makes me feel special in some ways. This is only issue 75 not the collected edition.
I went out for coffee and ended up sitting and reading this book. For much of it a woman sat near me on the phone asking her friend to come to a meeting at a zen center. She sounded like a pastor trying to convince a friend to join a church. I worried because the woman was so confident in her new identity that I wondered if she would be able to cope if it dissolved. She was genuinely excited however and spread a lot of love. Religion is complex.
I walked out to buy cigarettes and then stopped by the local cafe to drink a cup of coffee and read this. I was a little upset none of the cushioned chairs were available but the hardwood chairs are quite comfortable here as well and I didn‘t find myself bothered by the seating arrangement during my reading. I finished my coffee when I was about 90% done with the book.
I read this in three sittings. All on the same couch in the living room. The first two were last night and the third this morning. Each time I read one of the book‘s “parts.” I‘m currently doing laundry, and decided to finish the book while waiting.
I read this book yesterday in a cafe eating a bagel with creamed cheese and drinking a coffee. I had a nice seat and the cafe was not very crowded so the atmosphere was a pleasant one. The staff were nice although when I finished reading I had to use the restroom and someone was in there for a very long time and I returned home instead of waiting.
I read this yesterday morning waiting for my mother to return from a sleepover. I sat in a comfortable chair and drank coffee out of a blue mug.