I want to make this only No Exit by Sartre. My book doesn't have other plays.
I want to make this only No Exit by Sartre. My book doesn't have other plays.
Was in the mood to read No Exit yet again. I don‘t know what it is about this play, but it always creeps into my mind and won‘t let go until I re-read it. This time around I was struck by the idea of hell as “life without a break.” Maybe it‘s trying to tell me something.
This is the only book of plays I have on my shelves (and I'm not sure why it's listed under Camus in litsy database). I read this forever ago. The only one in this collection I can remember with any clarity is the title play (the one where 'hell is other people' comes from). It may be time for a reread. #alltheworldsastage #feistyfeb
So my dad bought this book for me for my birthday. I've only read a couple pages, and all I can say is it is kind of really weird, but entertaining. I don't really know what it's about yet but I'll keep y'all updated.