In depth narrative concepts, explained using theory, graphs, and example therapy conversations. Dense but a lot of great info! Gonna try to consolidate the info with another book then onto more suggested readings. 😊
In depth narrative concepts, explained using theory, graphs, and example therapy conversations. Dense but a lot of great info! Gonna try to consolidate the info with another book then onto more suggested readings. 😊
On Fridays I intern at a high ropes course where my supervisor does experiential therapy with clients. Unfortunately (not really) I knew the client family personally so I got 2 hours to read in the car and learn more about Narrative Therapy! 😊
Happy bookworm introvert here! 😜
After 3hrs of doing some stats/records I have some downtime to read/study Narrative Therapy. 💚
I've been MIA again. But that's because I started my fieldwork as an MFT! The last part of my Master's, on a track to become licensed. This is not to say I have stopped reading. 😉 I just probably shouldn't be on the phone if I want to accrue hours. Lol. I'm knee deep in this book and learning a lot. Yay! I 💚 that reading counts.
Next book on my list to read is the DSM5...cause this week I learned I'm REALLY bad at diagnoses. Lol