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Post-Modern Magick
Post-Modern Magick | Seth
This book is the beginning of a long road. It exists within a paradox of detailed research and the fierce resistance of dogma. This book is for the iconoclast. The magus who rejects blind adherence and who struggles against the invisible prison of tradition. For rouge scholars, artists, hackers, Goths, or any other magus on the underground path of evolution. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law", with attitude. Post-Modern: A school of thought primarily concerned with the deconstruction of meta-narratives. In this text it is the rejection of the idea that there is only one way of magick. Magick: The use of Will to elicit change in Reality. Post-Modern Magick is self-initiation and exploration based on personal relevance and free form magick. These pages contain not only a manuscript on post-modern magick in theory and practice, but also new post-modern grimoires such as Reality Hacker, all in print for the first time alongside more traditional text.
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