#LovePrevails Day 7: Perhaps there is #PlatonicLove here - or romantic ones, but definitely a lot of truth-telling going on. More of my book haul from the Big Bad Wolf online sale here in the UAE.
#LovePrevails Day 7: Perhaps there is #PlatonicLove here - or romantic ones, but definitely a lot of truth-telling going on. More of my book haul from the Big Bad Wolf online sale here in the UAE.
Wow. I loved this book.
It was complex and wasn‘t a typical girl meets boy YA novel. I felt so many different feelings reading this.
Just finished my shift. Today was short and sweet, so I‘m kicking back with a beer and a book 🤓🍺 Really enjoying this one. Very hard to put down.
My double is FINALLY over. Now I can relax with my margarita and this book. 🤓🍹
Book two of the day. I am enjoying the hell out of my readcation so far.
I'm super split on this book. It felt like a good story but then the ending felt a little like a cop out. Or maybe just rushed? I'd love to hear other thoughts!