Thoroughly enjoyable dark read. Especially fun if you like fairy tales.
Thoroughly enjoyable dark read. Especially fun if you like fairy tales.
I think there was a lot of good in this book. But later in the book it was really hard to follow and jumped a lot which made it tedious to read.
Got super annoyed/angry at the one character but other than that it was pretty good.
Loved this book! It‘s so fun and enjoyable. And the mythology behind the story is amazing. Definitely worth a read.
I‘m loving all the little jokes and tidbits in this book.
Finished this one up today. Worth a read especially if guy like mythology.
Really cute paranormal graphic novel. Definitely worth a read!
Meh. That‘s about all I can muster for this book.
It‘s interesting. About ghosts and loss and redemption. A brother dies and now he‘s haunting his brother and sister who just happen to be twins. It‘s not bad but there were a couple parts that just didn‘t seem relevant at all and I didn‘t know why they were in the sort.
A really fascinating idea but I think horribly executed. It switches back and forth between past and present but doesn‘t really explain at all so it feels irrelevant. And nothing happens in the end.
Really creepy quick read. Mystery and horror and ghost story all wrapped up in one. It‘s a quick read too, finished it in one sitting.
A book about police violence and dealing with loss. Along the lines of “The Hate U Give” but written from the point of view of a boy - and definitely a different path on the issue. Definitely worth a read.
Really cute comic series. A boy meets a girl who deals with monster issues. They team up to solve a variety of cases.
A lovely compilation of LGBTQ+ short stories.
This took me a while to get through. A pretty interesting concept and pretty good story but just long and a little tedious.
Really enjoyable good book especially if you like science fiction. Also it‘s short, only 90 pages! So it‘s a quick read.
This description is 😂 “My stepsister was a sexy, zaftig motormouth who made me feel like an awkward breadstick.”
This one took a while for me to finish. It‘s one of those books that if you‘re reading it it‘s enjoyable but once you put it down there isn‘t a rush to get back to it. I still thought it was pretty good though.
A cute intro to why therapy isn‘t scary and can help people.
The last couple of books have been pretty blah for me and this one didn‘t do any better. Just confusing to follow and didn‘t really make anything interesting.
Not a fan. There are two mysteries here but only one is solved and becomes relevant - and it‘s the one the author is trying to make seem less important through the rest of the book. And there are a couple of snide remarks about some characters that didn‘t fly for me.
I did not read “In Cold Blood” so I don‘t have anything to base this around. Capote has a bit part in the book, and I wasn‘t much of a fan. It wasn‘t really a mystery to me in the typical sense and the main character felt kind of useless to me in the way that she didn‘t have a lot of depth and the story didn‘t really flow or have a coherent pattern.
Sat in bed all day to finish this up. I really like it. Not a super crazy mystery but it touches base on a lot of things, like mental health and relationships. Although it doesn‘t solve anything - and it‘s not a book that claims it does - I think it still talks about so many aspects well.
It‘s fine. I wasn‘t impressed but I also wasn‘t born. Some of it was a little confusing to follow.
Nope. Huge nope for me. Everything was just too convenient. Not one or two conveniences to move the plot along, the whole thing.
I hated this book. I hated the ending. But it‘s still kind of a psych thriller that could be enjoyable for a lot of people. It just made me angry.
So I keep a list of all my to read books in a google doc, and Litsy has its own tab.....this is all your fault. 😳
Finished this one up today. I thought it was cute and a decent read about family.
Just finished this audio book and thought it was pretty good. The beginning was a little confusing to follow but it had some really fascinating points.
Picked this up because a patron recommended it to me and this one seriously messed with my head. Not great writing but otherwise and entertaining read.
Finished this one in a day. It was a little confusing at first to follow the characters but overall it was alright.
Meh. I thought the writing was a little rough and not quite a page turner but I‘ll probably read the other ones in the series anyway.
Soooo good. Loved the first and second one.
Soooo pretty split on this. I thought it was well written but I wasn‘t as shocked by the ending as some others have said they were.....but I don‘t know if that‘s because I was expecting a surprise ending. Definitely worth a read if you like thrillers.
Obviously a must read.
“The insistence is on merit, insinuating that any current majority white leadership in any industry has got there through hard work and no outside help, as if whiteness isn‘t its own leg-up, as if it doesn‘t imply a familiarity that warms an interviewer to a candidate.” 🙌
Really enjoyed this one especially as part of the series.
And with this book I reached my goodreads reading goal!!!
#youknowyoureabooknerd when you get overly excited about the 2018 tracking form courtesy of #bookriot.
I wish everyone felt so inspired after reading a book.
Would love to hear what anyone else who read this thought. Some of it felt a little predictable but a fun good read otherwise.