They say you learn something new everyday! I definitely did while reading this story and finding out it is true! This HF story by April Jones Prince and illustrated by Francois Roca tells the true story of the building of the Brooklyn Bridge and the testing of it's strength with twenty one real elephants! Use this book for a science lesson using this link! https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/paper-bridges/
Olsonashley19 Use ESOL strategy 17 and 12 and UDL principle 6.2 with this book and activity! This book will be great for a RA before the science activity! #Lae3414sp19 (edited) 6y
giont @Olsonashley19 After seeing your post, I‘m definitely interested in this book! It‘s interesting how they used 21 elephants to test the bridge, I‘m sure children would find that interesting too. You also added a great resource on linking it to a science lesson, keeping that in my mind for the future! 6y
DrSpalding You noted this as a favorite. I have not read this book and I am adding it to my stack. Very cool! If it is a true story, is it historical fiction or nonfiction? Many times they make minor changes… Which would make it historical. 6y