We can check in on your mother and make sure she isn‘t up to any mischief and then overturn thousands of years of oppression and slavery. Piece of cake!
We can check in on your mother and make sure she isn‘t up to any mischief and then overturn thousands of years of oppression and slavery. Piece of cake!
Control, like most things, was an illusion.
Did I still feel disillusioned and disappointed that no one was fitting into the neat boxes I‘d made for them anymore? Why yes indeed-y do I did. Surprise, surprise.
I was beginning to recognize the seeds of my father‘s personality in my own. Damn. The hits just kept coming.
No one is responsible for the circumstances of their birth. We are however responsible for what decisions we make ourselves
My fantasy ship had sailed a long time ago without me on it.
If you changed who you were to blend in, how did you ever know who the real you was?
If you wanted to bitch and moan about my life you should have been in it!
Our past is sneaky. Your brain stores it away and chooses inopportune moments to throw it back at you.
Somewhere along the way in his life he saw a fifties-inspired layout of menswear and decided that was for him.