Lovelovelove. I knew basically nothing about Bessie Stringfield before this and I am blown away by how awesome she was. This all ages comic biography was a brilliant introduction to her life and achievements. Highly recommended.
Lovelovelove. I knew basically nothing about Bessie Stringfield before this and I am blown away by how awesome she was. This all ages comic biography was a brilliant introduction to her life and achievements. Highly recommended.
Exciting book mail today!
What a badass lady! Bessie Stringfield broke records being the first black woman to crisscross the States on her Harley, often getting her thrills by traveling through the Jim Crow south. My only complaint is that I wanted more! I don't think I was aware when ordering this, but it's by the same man who created Strange Fruit--another great comic highlighting lesser-known figures in black history. I'm definitely reading more of this series!
What better way to read about #historicalheroines than to get started on this during my lunch break today? 🤘 I always think this, but really, lunchtime can't get here fast enough! #FeistyFeb
Graphic novel about Bessie Stringfield, an African American woman who was a motorcycling pioneer. This is her story about her travels around the country during 1930s/40s and having to deal with Jim Crow at every turn. It's labeled as juvenile nonfiction so I'd say it's good for young teens, maybe middle grade. 🏍 (a heads up about specific content in comments ⬇️)
Quick read (20 minutes top), but a fascinating story! Decent art.