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Joined September 2016

38, Alaska, fan of books, bats, and tie-dye. Goodreads & Instagram: AndrewK106 #LitsyLove
Punisher : Soviet | Garth Ennis, Jacen Burrows
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Disappointment by my own lack of research. I was hoping for a good Cold War story or maybe an alternate reality like Red Son; instead, this is a straight-forward going after the bad guy, where Frank teams up with an ex-Soviet soldier to take down the man who sold out his squad to the enemy. I enjoy work based on Ennis' writing, but this is my first time reading. Brutally realistic look at PTSD and fallout of war.

Tie-dye: Dye It, Wear It, Share it | Shabd Simon-Alexander
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#wondrouswednesday @eggs
1. My original Litsy handle was some kind of library pun, but I felt like a fraud after I left my library job, but I couldn't think of a good alternative, so I just went with TieDyeDude 😄
2. Well I don't LIKE doing chores (dishes, mowing, laundry, etc), but that's normally when I have time. Sometimes I'll find time in the morning or during my lunch break to sneak in a half hour.
3. Last audio book is Mrs. Calliban

Eggs Thanks for joining in🙏🏻🩵 15h
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I'm finally caught up for the first time in years with my favorite podcast. This past episode was an interview with author David Toomey about how animals play. Very interesting stuff. Has anyone read this book?

Deifio I didn't know Alan Alda had a podcast! 2d
Deblovestoread Book sounds great. Stacked! 2d
TieDyeDude @deifio I've been listening for years. He is such a stellar interviewer, and he has on some amazing guests. 1d
Aimeesue How did I not know Alda had a podcast? Thanks for sharing! 1d
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Waller Vs. Wildstorm | Evan Narcisse, Spencer Ackerman
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Thanks for the recommendation, @vivastory

I have absolutely no knowledge of the Wildstorm imprint, so I actually had to re-read the first issue to make sure I was following everything, since several characters are only mentioned by name. It was fairly easy to follow once things get going, though. Waller is always a force to be reckoned with, and this serves as something of an origin story for her. Lots of intrigue and brutality.

vivastory I was completely unfamiliar w/ Wildstorm, too. One thing I love about the Black Label collections is how although there are certainly Easter eggs, most of them are self-contained stories. 1d
TieDyeDude @vivastory Agreed. I had to sort out Stormwatch, Checkmate, Wildstorm, and I still have no idea who Winter is, but it ultimately didn't matter 😅 I didn't realize Black Label has already be around 6 year! 1d
vivastory @TieDyeDude That is crazy they've been around that long. Did you ever read Tom King's two volume Human Target? I read that fairly recently but didn't post about it. However I thought it was great. 1d
TieDyeDude @vivastory Not yet. That and Aquaman Andromeda are high on my TBR. 1d
vivastory @TieDyeDude I was not aware of Aquaman Andromeda, but as soon as I saw Ram V & that it has cosmic horror elements that is literally all I needed to know 1d
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I got reprimanded by @Clare-Dragonfly for not drinking tea while reading this book, so here is a proper set-up 😜

I adored this book and found myself chuckling often at the banter and smiling at the profound conversations. Just an absolute delight. I will hope for a return to this world but would be satisfied if this is the ending.

TieDyeDude Alpine hojicha green tea from Felicity Loft 3d
dabbe Hot tea in July. Me? 😲🤩😂 3d
Clare-Dragonfly Excellent choice 😂😂😂 3d
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Is there an alternate version of a song that blows the original out of the water?

Delta Rae was approached by Lindsey Buckingham to re-record this song with him accompanying on guitar. It is a heart-breaking song, and this version makes the original sound like a demo! https://youtu.be/9df7mHBjOYM

I really love Delta Rae's first two albums. "Dance in the Graveyards" and "Chasing Twisters" are highlights for me.


bthegood This was fantastic - I loved it - thank you for sharing - such a great way to start my day 🙂 4d
Kerrbearlib Excellent song! 4d
TheSpineView Wow! Loved the song! Thanks for sharing 4d
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A Belgian strong ale pairs well with a Monk and Robot book 😉

kspenmoll 😀😀 6d
dabbe 🤩🍻😂 6d
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TheSpineView Cheers!🍺 6d
LiteraryinLawrence This series makes my heart happy. 💗 6d
Clare-Dragonfly I guess, if you‘re not going to drink tea 😆 6d
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Superman Red & Blue | Brandon Easton, John Ridley
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Beginning with Loeb and Sale's Marvel series, I love the concept in comics of doing an anthology series with a focus on the characters primary colors. Superman: Red and Blue does not disappoint. A mix of stories about citizens and aliens, heroes and villains, and values.

vivastory A couple of weeks ago I read, & loved, this one 5d
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Bailing after the first chapter. It would have probably been cute as a web comic, but trying to stretch it into a full narrative story is just meh. Also, the scale and proportions seem inconsistent. And it is weird that the cats have human limbs and only sometimes wear clothes. I dunno, I'm not feeling this one.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 6d
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Hedy Lamarr's Double Life | Laurie Wallmark
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A cute little book about an amazing individual. I'll definitely be checking out the documentary Bombshell on Netflix.

rubyslippersreads The documentary is great although, like many Hollywood actresses, she had a rather sad life. But I love seeing her rediscovered for her inventions. 6d
jdiehr That mug is so cute 😍 6d
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135 postcards stamped and ready for the post office (well, 111, ones for international members went out last week). I tried to save my wrist by printing messages, but I'm not sure that it was necessarily any less work. This is my second mass mailing, and I'm not sure I'll do another anytime soon 😴😜 Hope everyone enjoys the message. 💌 #litsylove

julieclair Wow!!! 1w
KadaGul @TieDyeDude In Demand Much 😁. I'm absolutely positive that whatever you wrote 📝 or did will be greatly appreciated! 1w
dabbe #thetiedyedudeabides 🤩🤩🤩 1w
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UwannaPublishme Wow! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 1w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Wow 🤩 that‘s awesome 👏🏻 💙 6d
Teresereading Delivered today in Tasmania! 3d
kspenmoll All the way from Alaska-what fun! My brother & sister-in-law have lived in Kenai almost 59 years! 3d
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Graphing Technology Guide | Benjamin N. Levy
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I've finally rejoined Storygraph. I tried a while ago, but I didn't like how my Goodreads transferred and I wasn't keeping up well with both sites. The transfer went much better this time, still not sure if I'll keep GR. My reading has been slow this month, so I haven't explored the site too much, but I like the stats page. I thought the genres graph was particularly interesting.

Anywho, I am also TieDyeDude on Storygraph, if you want to add me.

Kimberlone Storygraph is great if you like the stats! I like that you can look at your all time info if you‘ve imported your Goodreads data! I‘ll add you on SG! 1w
youneverarrived I‘ve added you 👍 1w
lil1inblue I like a lot of the features that Storygraph has been adding. The buddy reads and readalongs look interesting! 1w
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Spoiler Alert | Richard Stein
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#wondrouswednesday @eggs @deblovestoread (I started before the mid-day crash yesterday and didn't get back to it til now 🤷‍♂️)

☝ While I am okay with ambiguous endings, I'm not okay with unplanned endings. I have come to peace with spoilers in the age of the internet
✌ Favorite author, because they've probably written more than one character that I love
👌 Mystery novel #acepride
🖖 Science fiction. I'm over Earth 😜
🖐 Skip the last book

Eggs Thanks for playing! 1w
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Coast: From the Air | Neil Oliver
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I'm not up on a lot of modern pop, but I enjoy Hailee Steinfeld's music, almost as much as her acting. This is a smooth summer tune featuring the always delightful anderson .paak


vivastory Actors who are also musicians would be a good #tuesdaytunes prompt (edited) 2w
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Hey #LitsyLove members! Your summer swap is here. Short and sweet!

Signups open thru Monday
Matches by Wednesday
Mail by the 30th
Open August 11

Have fun!

@Bookgoil @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Deblovestoread@Read4life

ShelleyBooksie Yay!!!! 2w
Bookwormjillk I‘m not sure mine went through. Did you all get an confirmation email? 2w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎉🎊🎉🎊 2w
Deblovestoread @Bookwormjillk Yep! You are good to go. 2w
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Animal Crackers | George Simon Kaufman, Bert Kalmar, Morrie Ryskind, Harry Ruby
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#tlt #threelistthursday @dabbe

Here are my three favorite comedy quotes from the list 😅

dabbe 💙 it! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 2w
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🌻 I love rewatching movies, so long list, probably topped by The Princess Bride or Star Wars.
Recently rewatched The Good Place, Star Wars: The Clone Wars and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Currently rewatching Park and Rec, Cheers, The IT Crowd

💜 I loved Mastermind and Scattegories Junior

🌹 Ender's Game had war games?

@eggs #wondrouswednesday

Eggs You killed my father-prepare to die 😂 Thanks for playing🥳 2w
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Newsletter | Association of Research Libraries
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#LitsyLove members: Check your email for this month's newsletter. Hope you enjoy it!

Bookwormjillk It was great. Thank you! 2w
AmyG Thank you so much! 2w
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Letters | Horace Walpole
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#litsylove #litsyloveblitz My oldest letter to respond to is about 3 months back, but I have decided once again to send every LitsyLove member a postcard, so my letter writing will be further delayed. I'm happy with the idea, though, so hopefully this goes smoothly 😜

dabbe Does it have a 🫎 on it? 🤩🤩🤩 2w
Read4life 🤓🤓🤓 2w
Texreader @dabbe I loved that postcard!! 2w
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TieDyeDude @dabbe @texreader ❤️❤️ I was so happy when I found those cards! No moose this time, though 😉 2w
Bookwormjillk I was thinking of doing the same around Halloween. We‘ll see. 2w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📮💌💙 I‘m was thinking that I need to start Christmas cards soon!! 2w
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A couple weeks ago, someone mentioned that they listened to their #tuesdaytunes selection while doing chores. I used to rock out to this album while cleaning!
I first saw The Music (which used to be very hard to Google) open for Coldplay in 2003. They only released a few albums, but I really enjoy their electronic dance-inspired alt rock sound.

IndoorDame I‘m always desperate for new cleaning music and this is awesome! Thanks! 3w
vivastory Have you seen this skit lol I def have music I turn on for certain tasks/emotions etc, but your post reminded me of this
(edited) 2w
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A family that reads together... loves to read? I dunno, I couldn't come up with anything clever, but @WildAlaskaBibliophile and I had some nice reading time this afternoon reading and cuddling with our familiars 😁

TheBookHippie ♥️ 3w
willaful Awwwwww! 3w
Clare-Dragonfly 😻😻😻 3w
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StaceGhost The dream ✨💖 3w
AnnCrystal 📚🐶😸💫. 3w
LiteraryinLawrence Love this!! 3w
The_Book_Ninja …Turn leaves together? 3w
dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 3w
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Just as adorable as the first volume. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Cupcake12 One of my favourite book series 📕👍🏻 3w
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Wildflower | Melanie Brown
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#5joysfriday @DebinHawaii

@WildAlaskaBibliophile and I celebrated one year in Alaska this week! Wild flowers are in bloom (I don't think I've ever seen a rose in the wild before), and Black Jack is still Black Jack.

Susanita Happy Alaska-versary! Beautiful flowers and kitty. 3w
Bookwomble Happy One Year Alaska Anniversary! 😊 I can't believe it's gone so fast! ⌛ 3w
dabbe HA! #beautifulblackjack 🖤🐾🖤 3w
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Ruthiella Wow! One year already! 😀 3w
charl08 Beautiful garden pictures. Congrats on the year! 3w
AnnCrystal 🥳🥂💫💫💫💫💫. 3w
DebinHawaii Some great joys! 💛💛💛Happy Alaska Anniversary! Loving Black Jack 🐈‍⬛ & all the flowers too! Thanks for joining in & spreading the joy! 🤗 3w
ShelleyBooksie Beautiful pics. Congrats on one year! 3w
kspenmoll Happy Alaska Anniversary!!! The flowers are beautiful! 3w
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Where The Body Was | Ed Brubaker
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This is one of those titles where the story doesn't match the cover. There is a body, but it is not the central story. It is more of a slice of life of a small town street in 1984, and the different colorful characters. The writing reminded me of Stephen King.

Glory, Glory (Original) | Linda Lael Miller
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#tlt #threelistthursday @dabbe

Stripes is one of the funniest movies ever (at least, the first half is). The Sandlot is a classic of my childhood. It's been a while since I've seen Glory, but I remember it being brilliant. Honorable mention to The Harder They Fall, which is just jam-packed with brilliant performances and kickass music.

dabbe You kicked my butt! Excellent choices! (especially GLORY). Thanks for sharing and playing. ❤️🇺🇸💙 3w
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Where The Body Was | Ed Brubaker
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Just because there isn't much cause to celebrate America this year, doesn't mean I'm not going to use the excuse to break out the grill 😜 Still have to work tomorrow, though 😕

dabbe Agree 💯. I'm eating a grilled burger loving prepared by my hubby (who braved 113º today) to cook for us. Sorry you have to work tomorrow. #boo 3w
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This is such an amazing series! I don't think I've been disappointed in a single book. I wonder if there is an endgame in mind, because the last few books seem to be leading to something 🤔 Anywho, one more until I'm caught up, and they just revealed the cover for the next release in 2025!

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@thearomaofbooks #bookspin #Bookspinbingo

My July bingo board. My bookspin titles are My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix and Marvel Punisher Soviet. There is a fairly good chance I could get my first bingo with the top row!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fantastic!! 3w
Suet624 👏 👏 👏 👏 3w
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Lake Street Dive Songbook | Lake Street Dive
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The best words I can think of to describe Lake Street Dive are "infectious joy." A jazzy pop folk band, they just released their 8th studio album "Good Together" last month. They really broke out with "Bad Self Portraits" (title of the album and single).
But my favorite song, and one of my all time favorite songs, is "Hypotheticals". A great showcase of Rachel's voice and their varying influences. Enjoy! #tuesdaytunes


IndoorDame That‘s so uplifting! 4w
bthegood They are in Cincinnati next week (my area) - thanks for introducing me to them - 🙂 3w
Kerrbearlib I love Lake Street Dive! I have seen them live twice. 3w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Deblovestoread Puggers! 💜💜💜 4w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4w
PaperbackPirate I really liked Mexican Gothic. 📚 4w
UwannaPublishme Adorable pug! ❤️ 4w
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Mr. Higgins Comes Home | Mike Mignola
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What a weird little book! 😂 Vampires and hunters converge in a small town hosting a satanic event.

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A murder mystery set in the Golden age of Hollywood by the amazing team of Brubaker and Phillips. Seduction, intrigue, paranoia; a gripping thriller.

The Batman Files | Matthew Manning
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Ugh, this list was a little depressing, TBH. So few original ideas.

The Avengers (A perfect build-up to the first team shot)
Inception (A masterful movie from a master filmmaker)
Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness (I love Dr. Strange, I love how weird this movie gets, and that music fight is so unique!)
Bonus: Rogue One (A complex story separate but connected to the main movies. Plus Catalyst is an excellent lead-up novel, and Andor is amazing)

dabbe So many franchises/sequels! But what a WOWZA score! You totally beat my sorry 🫏! Thanks for sharing and playing. 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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What If? Classic Vol. 3 | Marvel Comics
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“Well, I say America is nothing! Without its ideals--its commitment to the freedom of all men, America is a piece of trash! A nation is nothing! A flag is a piece of cloth!!“

Bookwomble Strong stuff the truth! 🫡 4w
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Heartstopper | Alice Oseman
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That was it?! WTH, how do you end there? I want all the books NOW.
For real, though, this was an absolutely adorable queer GN. I loved the art, the monotone color, the story. Definitely lived up to the hype

Cupcake12 I love this series. Patiently waiting for the next season to arrive on Netflix too 1mo
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Closing out Pride month with Scissor Sisters, a glam pop rock band forged in the gay nightlife scene of New York City. Try not dancing, or at least tapping your foot, to their infectious beats. "Take Your Mama", "I Don't Feel Like Dancin", and "Fire With Fire" are great, but this is my favorite video, with some fun shadow dancing



willaful Wow, that is very fun.

I know “I Don't Feel Like Dancin'“ from “Just Dance.“ It's a hoot.
BarbaraBB That‘s great! 1mo
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This was a painful obvious placeholder second-in-the-trilogy. There is some good character development and world building, and Schwab's prose is so readable and engaging. Make no mistake that I loved the read, but around page 300-350, it became more and more obvious that this was just a 500 page set up for the third book.

willaful Yep. 1mo
peanutnine Love your bookmark! 1mo
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Such a fun pride march/festival today! The weather was beautiful, and the crowd was beautiful 🏳️‍🌈 The picture is maybe a quarter of the total marchers. Puppy Cady was very popular 😁

slategreyskies I love this! 🌈✨ 1mo
Cupcake12 🌈❤️ 1mo
IndoorDame 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 1mo
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Clare-Dragonfly Happy Pride! 🖤🩶🤍💜 1mo
dabbe #pridewithoutprejudice #cuddlycady 🖤🌈🐾🌈🖤 1mo
PaperbackPirate Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈 1mo
Kerrbearlib Happy Pride! 1mo
Gissy Happy Pride Month🌈❤️🧡💛💚💜💙 1mo
Kenyazero Looks like an excellent celebration! Happy Pride! 1mo
peanutnine So fun! Happy Pride!! 🏳️‍🌈 1mo
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Alzheimer's Disease | William A. Check
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KadaGul That's a fantastic cause to get behind 💜💟💜 1mo
Crazeedi My sister died at 60 from this horrible disease, good on you for supporting this 1mo
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A couple passages to highlight a couple of the cultural issues discussed.

TheBookHippie I think I‘ve purchased 50 copies to far… I keep handing this book out!! 1mo
slategreyskies Wow. I haven‘t read this yet, but I‘m going to now. Thanks for this! 1mo
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This is the first major book released (that I'm aware of) about a conversion that is vitally important for humanity. Important doesn't mean good, though. It is very repetitive, often contradictory, and the scope is very narrow. It comes off as opinionated, because you don't find out til the end that the sources and end notes are available online.
All that said, even as a "woke liberal," I was absolutely schooled here ⤵️

TieDyeDude not because of what I didn't know, but because of never combining the individual pieces of my knowledge to fully appreciate just how f*cked up and apathetic our society is in regards to pregnancy, birth control, women's health care, and abortion. This book should be mailed to every winkled sack in Washington DC. 1mo
keithmalek I'm very much a Liberal as well, but I'm not "woke." "Woke" started off as something noble, but quickly crept into something authoritarian and ridiculous. 1mo
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I've passed 1000 logged reads on Goodreads! I've been a little nostalgic lately, wishing there were a way to look back at some of the books I read growing up. I've searched once or twice for Reading Olympic lists from the late 90's, but no luck.
Everyone once in a while, I'll get a flash of memory, but I think most of them will be lost to time.

Deblovestoread I get this! There are two books in particular that I wish I could remember their title to find again. I have bits of the plot and when I read them but that‘s it. 1mo
Pogue You should check out TheStoryGraph. I love how they are set up. It is much cleaner than Goodreads. You you can import your Goodreads to TheStoryGraph. 1mo
TieDyeDude @deblovestoread I was like that for the longest time with Homecoming by Cynthia Voigt. The New York library used to have a team to hunt down books on vague descriptions, but that was before 2020. You can try https://www.librarything.com/ngroups/724/Name-that-Book 1mo
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TieDyeDude @pogue I tried transferring once, but it didn't do a good job. Also, I wasn't ready to leave Goodreads, and I really wasn't good at keeping them both updated 😬 I might try again, though. 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎊🎉📚 1mo
Bookwomble @TieDyeDude @Deblovestoread Library Thing's Talpa Search is an AI which can display results from a comma-separated list of descriptors or from a natural language question. There's also a human intelligence (HI should be a thing!) group that tries to identify books from vague descriptions. Another tool is tags, and searching "Reading Olympics" brought up lots of books readers have given that tag to. Hope this is useful info ? 1mo
Deblovestoread @Bookwomble Thanks for this. I have spent a some hours over the years searching all the things without luck. Happy to have a new search avenue. 1mo
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Mrs. Caliban: A Novel | Rachel Ingalls
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I didn't get much out of this story. The audio narration was... aloof? She did not really injection much emotion into the performance, so it felt like all the events in the story were happening to her and she was just going with it. Maybe it would have been better reading the text, but I wasn't engaged with the audio.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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Thanks for sharing the prompt, @vivastory

vivastory I admire your shelf organization! 😂 Love your answers, esp #4 & #9. Your answer to 9 seems to embody the spirit of Litsy 1mo
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Galveston: A History | David G. McComb
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This image of Galveston was taken on Nov. 23, 2022, from the International Space Station as it orbited 224 miles above Earth. While President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, word that enslaved people were free did not reach Galveston until well into 1865. Army Major General Gordon Granger issued General Order No. 3 on June 19, and spontaneous celebrations broke out as word spread. #juneteenth

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Voyager 1 is back online! What an amazing piece of technology. 47 years into a 5-year mission, both Voyager 1 and 2 are in interstellar space, having escaped the influence of the sun's solar winds and magnetic field. It takes almost two days to see how Voyager 1 will react to a command sent from Earth.


eskoch28 Amazing! 1mo
Bookwomble Incredible! I remember being excited about the knowledge we could look forward to when the Voyager spacecraft were first launched: it's amazing that they're still operating. Thanks for posting the link 😊 1mo
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I feel like Leonard Cohen is an artist I could really sink into, but I'm not familiar with his work aside from a handful of songs and the album You Want It Darker, which was released just weeks before his death. I've been listening to it more this year, as I think of it every time I hear about Stephen King's latest. "On the Level" is a brilliant song.



Eyelit Love Cohen! (And especially love this photo of him) 1mo
vivastory I typically don't tend to recommend best of compilations but in the case of Leonard Cohen I highly recommend both “The Best Of“ & “More Best Of“ I feel a bit strange saying this about best of albums but they truly are some of my favorites of all-time 1mo
TheBookHippie I highly recommend his books my favorite is 1mo
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IndoorDame He‘s one of my all time favorites! 1mo
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie I agree. His poetry collections are incredible 1mo
kspenmoll Agree with u all- he is amazing. 1mo
Kerrbearlib I love that picture! 1mo
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I Love Tea! Stickers | Teresa Goodridge
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New stickers for my work mug 😁

Kerrbearlib Love it! 1mo
TheSpineView 😎😎😎 I love stickers on my mugs and thermos. 1mo
AnnCrystal 😎👍. 1mo
UwannaPublishme 😁😁😁 1mo
Hooked_on_books Those are great! 1mo
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The Homer Bookstore | Homer, AK (Bookstore)
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Of course we had to visit the Homer Bookstore. I got Mexican Gothic, and a couple of ARCs that they were selling as blind book dates to raise money for the local friends of the library.

dabbe I can't help but appreciate this wide world of Litsy. You're both in winter hats, and it hit 111º here today. 😂 1mo
AmyG Looks like a wonderful day! @dabbe 111…yikes. 1mo
dabbe @AmyG 🔥🔥🔥 1mo
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The Crepes of Wrath | Tamar Myers
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Ham and goat cheese crepe with caramelized onions, over-easy egg, greens, avocado, and mustard dressing 🤤🤤🤤
Birthday brunch for @WildAlaskaBibliophile at Wild Honey in Homer, AK

Ruthiella Yum! 😋 Happy Birthday @WildAlaskaBibliophile 🥳 (edited) 1mo
kspenmoll Happy birthday & Yum!!!!🎉🎉🥳 1mo
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AmyG Happy Birthday 🎂 1mo
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 1mo
Cupcake12 Happy birthday @WildAlaskaBibliophile 🎉 1mo
Gissy Happy Birthday 🎂🎉🎊🎈 1mo
dabbe HB! 💙💚💙 1mo
kelli7990 Happy birthday @WildAlaskaBibliophile! 🎉🎂🥳🎈🎊🎁 1mo
WildAlaskaBibliophile Thank you, everyone! It was a lovely birthday weekend! 1mo
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