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Fangs for the Memories
Fangs for the Memories | Molly Harper
3 posts | 7 read | 2 to read
Molly Harper writes characters you cant help but fall in love with (RT Book Reviews), but how did Andrea and Dick Cheney fall in love? Join Half-Moon Hollows favorite couple for a trip down memory laneto a time when Mr. Wainwright was newly dead, Jane Jameson was a newbie vampire, and a budding paranormal romance was not yet uncorked Half-Moon Hollows supernatural social event of the seasonZebs Titanic-themed werewolf weddingis coming up, and Dick Cheney (not that Dick Cheney!) needs a date. But Andreas had enough of clever, handsome, and rakish to last a lifetime, and Dick Cheney is certainly not the sort of man you bring home to mom (not that Andreas deadist parents are speaking to her ever since she dropped out of college and became a blood surrogate.) Shameless, relentless, roguish, with a Stetson-worthy swagger, a naughty sparkle in his eyes, and a constant smirkoh, and fangsno, Dick is the last person (ervampire) Andrea wants to date. But the infuriatingly irresistible man who lives quietly on the edge of a criminal underworld knows exactly what he wants, and once he surprises Andrea with a thrilling hot and dirty kiss behind the paranormal bookshop, she knows what she wants too: Dick. All it takes to ignite their unconventional courtship is a near-undeath experience that confronts Dick with a choice between turning Andrea, losing her forever, or tapping into his countless shady resources in this hilarious and heartwarming enovella that revisits the early days of Molly Harpers Nice Girls seriesone that makes me laugh and laugh (USA TODAY).
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Fangs for the Memories | Molly Harper
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I have good #Memories of listening to these two novellas/shorts from Molly Harper‘s Half-Moon Hollow series, the spin-off of her Jane Jameson series. They have her usual snarky humor & provide some backstory & catch up of favorite characters.

(Just FYI, the tagged book isn‘t set at Christmas-time)

DebinHawaii This one is set at Christmas: 7mo
Eggs Great titles! “And may all your Christmases be Undead” 🧟 🎶🧟‍♂️ 7mo
DebinHawaii @Eggs Maybe I‘ll start writing that in my holiday cards! 😉😆 7mo
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Fangs for the Memories | Molly Harper
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#90sinJuly #MemoriesRemain I have fond memories of the first four books in the pic, all with memory/memories in their title. The last two are from my #TBR stack still waiting to be remembered and read. 😆The book tagged below in comments (A Memory of Violets) is probably my favorite, a historical novel about London's young flower and watercress sellers, sisters, and memories.💜💐

Robothugs 😂 I think we could all include our TBR piles for this 7y
Cinfhen Pretty collage- all those titles look good 😊 7y
BethFishReads Great choices 7y
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Fangs for the Memories | Molly Harper
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My ebook collection is rapidly outstripping my physical book collection! Unfortunately my Kindle pooped out on me a couple months ago so I'm using my tablet and my phone when I need an #eReader. I miss my Paperwhite!

#SeasonsReadings2016 @RealLifeReading

RealLifeReading Lovely photo! 8y
Reviewsbylola Love your photo. I'm trying to decide if I want to replace my ereader or just keep using my phone's kindle app. 8y
the.bookish.valkyrie @RealLifeReading Thanks! The natural light in my living room makes for the best bookish photos! @Reviewsbylola The phone app is super convenient, but the kindle paperwhite is so much easier on the eyes! 8y
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