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Joined June 2016

Bookworm and professional bath taker.
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I‘m trying to streamline my #bookspinbingo cards this year by pasting them in a journal. But how cool is it seeing all my boards from 2021?!

merelybookish What a fun collection! 3y
sisilia I love this!!! Such an encouraging reading project 3y
Bookwormjillk Very cool! 3y
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Nute That is cool and many of them are almost blackouts!🙌🏽 3y
TheAromaofBooks Oh my gosh, that's so happy!!!! 3y
Amiable That would make a cool collage! 2y
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Untitled | Unknown

Curious what y‘all‘s thoughts are on the future of Litsy?

I‘ll be honest, it hasn‘t felt the same for me. 😕

I felt when the app changed hands a few years back that Litsy would start to really thrive. Instead it feels as though it‘s dying a slow death. With the explosion of popularity of book tok, booktube, and bookstagram, Litsy has been harder and harder for me to connect with. I have met some wonderful friends here over the years but ⬇️

Reviewsbylola the magic has seeped away for me. And then you have the fact that the app is constantly malfunctioning (case in point—it won‘t load a picture to my post. 😣 My goal in 2022 is to focus more on my bookstagram. I‘ve been reviving it slowly so hit me up if you‘re over there! 3y
Mitch For me - there will never be a place that can do what Litsy can do... its low key enough to be accessible and friendly and not overly managed or content beautified or specially created. For me it feels a humble, honest place that is a rarity in this world. How can we put the magic back in the community for you? What are you missing? 3y
Reviewsbylola I feel like the layout itself is just so clunky, from the feed right down to the individualized stacking methods. And with the app only working well for me about half the time it doesn‘t seem worth the effort. But I absolutely agree about the content. IG feels so often like it‘s the same titles over and over. @mitch 3y
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Cinfhen Hi Steph!!! I really do miss seeing your posts xx I hear your complaints about Litsy but like @Mitch said - it still feels more personal than any other social media app. Hope all‘s well ❤️💚❤️ 3y
BethM I agree whole heartedly with @Mitch . I‘ve very rarely had an issue with the app. I wonder if uninstalling and reinstalling would help? 3y
LeahBergen I‘ve noticed your absence on here and missed you! I wonder why you are having technical issues with the app? I never seem to have any issues with it. 🤔 3y
LeahBergen Oh, and I had some feelings of “Litsy burnout” a little while ago. I cleaned up who I was following a bit and unfollowed users who never interact with me. It‘s allowed me to focus more on my good old Litsy friends 😉 feeds. 3y
quietlycuriouskate Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! I feel about Litsy much as @Mitch does. I "do" Twitter and Instagram but Litsy is the only social media I actually enjoy using. 3y
ravenlee I have some issues with photos not loading properly pretty frequently, too, and I agree about some of the clunkiness (like trying to weed through my stacked titles). But I also agree with many of the above that it‘s a good community and the content is what I‘m after. Admittedly, I don‘t do any of the other book media stuff, and I only have Facebook because my friends won‘t use anything else. 3y
Reggie ☝🏽Definitely what @LeahBergen said. Aside from that-There are some people on here who I really don‘t read what they read but it is their passion for what they read that really attracts me. Hope the app works for you. 3y
Suet624 I‘ve missed seeing you too. 💕 Your post made me stop & think & feel a little sad that this has been your experience. I like @LeahBergen ‘s suggestion. None of the platforms you‘ve mentioned have offered me the personal connection that I‘ve experienced from Litsy. I don‘t have time to watch book tube videos but I appreciate getting short captivating reviews here and have read great books as a result. I hope you find some way to enjoy it again. (edited) 3y
youneverarrived I took a break when I had my little one a while ago and when I came back I noticed it had seemed to slow down a bit, less posts etc. I love it here though like others have said it‘s got a lovely community feel to it without anything feeling ‘forced. I love that I can come on here and read honest reviews by people I ‘know‘. Hope you can start to enjoy it again 💕 3y
Reviewsbylola You all are so sweet and a good reminder about what I love about Litsy in the first place. @mitch @cinfhen @BethM @LeahBergen @kathedron @ravenlee @Reggie @Suet624 @youneverarrived I think I‘ll start with taking Leah‘s advice and drastically culling my feed. 3y
mrp27 I find it interesting when people gravitate towards Instagram, YouTube or tik tok for bookish content because it‘s so opposite of me. I find it too broad and too impersonal. Totally agree those apps function a little bit better but in the end litsy just feels like home. 3y
TrishB I‘ve done the culling too. I don‘t really like social media, so Litsy is the only one I regularly use. I‘m not particularly tech savvy so I don‘t worry about the clunky style. It‘s the people that make it for me and the genuine friendships I‘ve made. If Litsy went I would keep the friendships but I probably wouldn‘t post about books anywhere else. 3y
Megabooks In addition to what everyone has shared about this being a more personal, welcoming place…I find people are too lengthy on Instagram, too brief on BookTok, and I don‘t even like YouTube. I did use book Twitter pretty heavily before Litsy, but it‘s so easy to get caught up on other BS over there. I enjoy interacting with you on here and Instagram, but I hope you don‘t abandon Litsy totally. (I still need a 90 day/below deck friend!!) 💜 3y
Megabooks Also, I get buggy problems as well. It‘s weird that everyone gets different ones and some none at all! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
CarolynM For me the great thing about Litsy is the interaction amongst users. I've barely used instagram, but from what I've seen it seems to be people saying "look at me" while I think on Litsy we're saying "talk with me". I've missed seeing you around as much as I once did and I really hope you won't disappear altogether. 3y
batsy I did the same as @LeahBergen I was feeling a bit of that burnout and "distance" but I basically just focus on the feeds I enjoy seeing and the mutuals I enjoy interacting with ? Though I'm surprised that I haven't really had any tech issues with it lately! Just because my Android phone is showing its age in other ways ? 3y
BarbaraBB I too really miss you here. I love to hear about your books and family. I use IG a lot but I am not a fan of bookstagram. It feels big and anonymous and it‘s always about the same books. I much prefer this community for interacting about books and life with people I‘ve come to know and respect. I hardly have technical problems at the moment but I keep the amount of people I follow low. I hope you‘ll give Litsy another try 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤍 3y
Bookzombie Sometimes I‘m not as chatty on here, but I miss seeing your posts too. I agree with what every one has already said. I culled who I was following some time ago and it has really helped. I also don‘t follow people as easily anymore. I know that impacts the community, particularly new people. I want to keep the app alive, but I also want to enjoy what I‘m seeing in my feed. I agree with @Reggie Following passionate readers is heartening. 💕 3y
Bookzombie I haven‘t had any technical issues, but I do think it seems like the app is neglected. It‘s been a while since anything has been updated to my knowledge. Disclaimer: I don‘t go to Facebook much so I don‘t know what‘s said over there. I sort of don‘t think I should have to go to another social media site to discuss this one. 3y
Kappadeemom I agree with your thoughts. I used to be on here all day every day. I miss a lot of our friends that have left ;( I‘ve been on Litsy since almost the beginning! I do love interacting with folks that love books as much as I do though because there is no one in my life that I can talk to about reading :) 3y
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💀 💀

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 3y
Texreader 😂😂😂 3y
LeahBergen Bahaha! 😆 3y
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MyBookLife 😂😂😂 3y
vivastory 🤣😂 3y
ravenlee Eeeeewwwww! 3y
Reggie Lololol 3y
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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Last #bookspinbingo of 2021! 🎄

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Looks great!!! And it looks like November was a solid month as well!!! 3y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Like an idiot, I forgot to choose my BOTY. I‘m kind of ok with it though because I have read or bought the ones I want.

Super excited for all three of these. I wasn‘t necessarily thrilled with the choices but I really wanted Olga. #botm

Megabooks Sankofa was really good and I also chose the other two! 👍🏻 3y
Branwen I TOTALLY forgot to choose my BOTY too! 🤣😂 3y
ErikasMindfulShelf Sankofa is great. I bet if you email or call them you can add the BOTY. 3y
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Will | Will Smith
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There you have it folks! @Chelsea.Poole was bang on. My library ended up purchasing 19 additional copies. 🙌🏻

marleed Oh yea! 3y
Megabooks I just want my library to get one copy!! 😩 3y
BookmarkTavern Excellent! 😁 3y
Chelsea.Poole Oh good! 👏 3y
Reviewsbylola My library is so bad about that. Audiobooks never seem to even show up for me until at least a week or two after publication. I want to be able to put holds on the titles before they‘re even released, like a print book. @Megabooks 3y
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Will | Will Smith
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Ive been checking Libby a few times a week to see if they‘ve gotten this memoir on audio yet. Well, they did. And apparently quite a few people figured it out it was on there before I did. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Megabooks Lol! Just a couple. 😜😂😂 3y
Reviewsbylola I swear, I‘ve never had one that couldn‘t give me an actual timeline, even if it was super long! So this makes me very skeptical that I‘ll be listening to it anytime soon. Hoping the library adds more copies! @Megabooks 3y
marleed I noticed that my library often adds more copies on a long-ass hold so I never hesitate to add my name to the list. 3y
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BookmarkTavern Whoah! 😱😱 I‘ve never seen a wait that long before! 3y
Chelsea.Poole As someone who purchases content for Libby on behalf of my library — the holds list is 💯 where we concentrate a substantial amount of resources. The more holds, the more copies. So yes! Always place those holds 😎 @marleed and yes, the timeline is frustrating because it‘s always changing and nearly impossible to predict what will happen. Some users cancel holds, others return material early, then new copies are purchase. Possibilities are endless 3y
Reviewsbylola I am keeping my 🤞🏻 crossed for more copies @marleedi—I had assumed there was a good possibility of that so I‘m glad to see @Chelsea.Poole ‘s explanation. 3y
Reviewsbylola Same 😂😂 @ozma.of.oz 3y
marleed @Chelsea.Poole I‘m a heavy user of overdrive/Libby. I prioritize the completion of new and popular books loaned to me so that I can return them for the next user in line. I‘m thinking I‘m being a responsible card holder, but is it better for stats if I keep the book for the full length of my loan? 3y
marleed @Reviewsbylola BTW, your post reminded me to stack Will - no comments from the peanut gallery ;). I went to add my name to the Libby line, but my library didn‘t own the book. I was able to request it, so I‘ll be interested to see where I am in line if purchased. I‘ll let you know! 3y
Chelsea.Poole @marleed yes! It‘s ideal to return a title as soon as you‘ve finished it! That way things move to the next user faster 😊 Also, requesting a title for purchase puts you at the top of the list, as far as I know. I‘d say if others requested it prior to your request they‘d be in line first. It goes by date. 3y
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Cold Comfort Farm | Stella Gibbons
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Y‘all, I‘m obsessing over this book. I‘m not even halfway through. Flora is 🔥, I just love her so much. Every quip, every carefully crafted retort, is pure gold.

BarbaraBB Great edition! 3y
LeahBergen It‘s brilliant, isn‘t it?? 😍😍 3y
marleed That cover! 3y
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Reviewsbylola Absolutely stunning. Are the follow up books as wonderful? @LeahBergen 3y
DrexEdit Plus the Roz Chast cover is awesome! 😍 3y
TheLudicReader I love that cover. 🔥 3y
quietjenn One of the bests! 3y
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I spent hours today wiping down my shelves, dusting books, and polishing knick knacks. 😅 I made some major changes and I‘m already thinking about little things I want to change. Every book is perfectly line up and smudge free. We‘ll see how long that lasts. 🤣

Ruthiella Looking good! 😍 3y
Aims42 Looks awesome! Great job!! 🙌🏻 3y
Lindy Beautiful! 3y
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TrishB Lovely ♥️ 3y
DrexEdit Lovely shelves! 😍 3y
wanderinglynn Wow, your shelves look amazing! ❤️ 3y
Bookzombie 😍 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful ❤️ 3y
quietjenn It looks wonderful! 3y
Gissy Beautiful and cozy! 📚📚📚 😍 3y
marleed Oh nice! 3y
Avanders 😍😍 3y
Nute A lovely spot! 3y
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Currently reading—I‘m loving both books, especially Inventing the Abbotts! I‘m only three stories deep but it already has me wowed.

All the Light is fantastic too but I‘m still early on and I can‘t shake the fear that it‘s too overhyped for me.

Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Looks great!!! 3y
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October, October | Katya Balen
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I felt like I read nonstop in October, so I wasn‘t too shocked when I tallied 2 literary magazines and 26 books for the month. Now I‘m intentionally slowing the pace a bit to avoid burnout.

Standouts for the month were—Murder in the Family (fascinating true crime book written by the son of a woman who died of arsenic poisoning in 1959.)

-No Easy Answers (not especially well written but it sent me down the Columbine rabbit hole again. ⬇️

Reviewsbylola and it offered many tidbits I hadn‘t known before.) -Strike Your Heart (an amazing Europa I stumbled upon to fulfill a prompt for #booked2021. So good that I immediately got an Abe Books and bought more of the author‘s books.) (edited) 3y
vivastory Adding both Strike Your Heart & Murder in the Family to my TBR 3y
SomedayAlmost Murder in the Family sounds fascinating 3y
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StaceGhost I love the Believer! I used to subscribe but, alas, the post office started missing deliveries. I should totally sign up again... 3y
Reviewsbylola I hope you love them as much as I did! @vivastory 3y
Reviewsbylola It‘s SO good. The author‘s father was a Canadian ambassador, so he was posted all over. The poisoning happened when the family lived in Buenos Aires and the setting of BA in the 1950s/60s was such a special addition to the story. I felt like I was reading a novel! @SomedayAlmost 3y
Reviewsbylola It‘s one of my favorites! I‘ve only started subscribing this year but it‘s been on my radar for ages thanks to Nick Hornby! @StaceGhost 3y
BarbaraBB Great month and such a great picture! 3y
StaceGhost @Reviewsbylola ooo his columns are the best! I have a few of his compilations too— he introduced me to a ton of great books. I also love how his lists of read and purchased make me feel better about not immediately reading what I‘ve purchased lol two totally different motivations at play there 3y
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Just some light beach reading (of course I happened to be reading all about plane crashes on our flight down. 🤦🏼‍♀️)

At least my scenery is uplifting. 🏖

BarbaraBB You can say so 😍 3y
LeahBergen A beach! Lucky you! 👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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It finally happened! I completed my entire #bookspinbingo board. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Now I‘m sot of slumpin—I‘ve consumed books at an alarming rate this month and now I need a little break. 😅 I‘ve barely picked up a book since I crossed off my last square yesterday.

Bookwormjillk Awesome 👏 3y
Julsmarshall WhooHoo! 3y
Megabooks Congratulations! I think you deserve a break! 3y
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Ruthiella Congratulations! That‘s quite an achievement! 👏👏👏 3y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
TheAromaofBooks YAY!!! Fabulous month!!! 3y
CarolynM 🍾🎊 3y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Totally unimpressed with the #botm selections this month. Which is fine. I got five books last month so taking a BOTM breather is not a bad thing.

I was impressed with their wide selection of add-ons but luckily none were books I felt I *had* to have. I‘ll probably go the audio route anyway with Will and In the Weeds. Still Life has been one I‘ve had my eye on but historical fiction about WWII just feels so overdone to me.

Reviewsbylola @Megabooks I need to know your thoughts on the selections! 3y
Megabooks I loved this month!! I got four!! Will tag you in a min 3y
KatieDid927 I skipped too. Profoundly underwhelmed. 3y
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Kimberlone I would have skipped if it wasn‘t my birthday month. The add ons were definitely more interesting and the member pick options I was provided with were terrible (3/5 were books I‘ve already gotten from BOTM). 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I skipped also… very disappointing selections. 3y
EKonrad I skipped too! 😩 3y
TheBookStacker I‘m really most excited for The Choice out of all of the books I picked but I‘m going on a flight from California to Germany in a few weeks and I need some books to pass the time that I can pass on to my family members when I‘m there so I picked accordingly. 3y
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Strike Your Heart | Amelie Nothomb
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If you need a book for #booked2021‘s #blackjack21 prompt, this is it.

One of my top books of the year. Easily. This is why I do reading challenges. I would have NEVER come across this book if not for the challenge. I struggled so much with this prompt. I pored over my shelves to find a possibility. Not one fit the requirements! Same with my TBR on GR. Finally after different Google searches, I found this book. And loved it!

vlwelser I enjoy this author. She's mega quirky. What was the reading prompt? 3y
Suet624 Stacked! Europa editions are starting to be my go-to books. (edited) 3y
Reviewsbylola I know, I just love them so much! @Suet624 3y
Reviewsbylola @vlwelser it was #blackjack21, which was to have either spade, heart, club, or diamond in the title. 3y
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I am so pumped to start this book but I‘m in a major slump after binge reading the Brooks Brown book about Columbine (thanks for the rec @LeahBergen )

Now I‘ve gone down the Columbine rabbit hole again. I stumbled upon the Columbine subreddit and, well, I may not be reading much else besides that. 😣

LeahBergen That book sent me back down the rabbit hole, too! 3y
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The Survivors | Jane Harper
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I‘ve never read 200 books in one year. Never. It‘s been my GR goal for the past three years. In 2019 I almost made it, with 197 books. Last year I was close again, at 194. 2021 started off abysmally with a case of covid and a short-lived reading slump. I remember as the year started, I was feeling so sick and defeated. But here I am on 10/8 having finally met my goal! 🥳🥳🥳

Read-y_Picker OMG AMAZING!! Congrats!!! 🎉 🎉 3y
MommyOfTwo Woohoo! 3y
Mel That is fabulous - congratulations! 🥳 3y
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slategreyskies Yay!! 💥 ✨ 3y
TiredLibrarian Congratulations! 📚💐 3y
Megabooks Congratulations Steph!! 🎉🎉 3y
Author_Chelsea_Warren_PA Congratulations Steph!!!! ❤ 3y
Ruthiella Well done!👏👏👏 3y
BarbaraBB That is amazing! Congratulations 🎈 3y
TrishB Well done 😁 3y
MaureenMc 👏🎉👏 3y
BkClubCare Wow!! And still plenty of year remaining!!! 3y
BittersweetBooks Woohooooo 👏🏻 3y
IndoorDame Congratulations!!! 3y
Reggie Wow, great job!!! 3y
LeahBergen Holy 💩! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
CarolynM Congratulations 🎉 3y
Birdsong28 Congratulations 🎊🎉📚📖 3y
Chrissyreadit Wow!! Congratulations 🙌🎉🙌 3y
Bookzombie Congratulations!!! 3y
rather_be_reading WAY TO GO!! 🎉🎉 3y
vivastory Congrats 👏🎉📚 3y
89 likes22 comments
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Finally got my bingo card set up—I had to finish my book first so I could immediately cross it off. 😆

For anyone looking for a book for the #charactersarefrenemies prompt (#booked2021) this one is an excellent choice. The friendship issues plaguing MCs Emmy and Alice are one of the main storylines.

I was expecting a book more atmospheric and creepy, and this didn‘t quite live up to those expectations, but it‘s a great book for fall!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
Bookzombie Yay! I still need to fulfill this prompt and this one is on my TBR for October already. Thanks! 3y
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Perfect way to start off my weekend. 🥰

vivastory Adorable! 3y
Ruthiella Beautiful! ❤️ 3y
AmyG Awwwww ❤️ 3y
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squirrelbrain Oh, so cute! (Both of you, 😁) 3y
marleed Oh my goodness - such beauty! 3y
LeahBergen Ohhhh! Baby cuddles! 💙💙💙 3y
TrishB Awww ♥️♥️ 3y
Gissy Adorable! 👶 😍❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Megabooks Hank! 😁💜 3y
CarolynM 3y
Sungirl79 Adorable!! 🥰 3y
BarbaraBB Lovely pic of the both of you ❤️ 3y
Anna40 😍 3y
emilyhaldi 😻 3y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I‘ve been slipping with posting updates for #booked2021, but figured I‘d better get a recap together ASAP now that fall quarter has officially started. 🙌🏻

#containsphotos Funny Girl
#appalachiannoir Razorblade Tears
#colorintitle The Burning Blue
#latinxauthor This is How You Lose Her
#relatedto911 The Red Bandanna
#under150pages Brokeback Mountain

alisiakae 🎉🙌🏽 great job! 3y
BeeMagical Im about mid way through Funny Girl and I love it. Hornby had me hooked with About A Boy! 3y
GinaKButler How was The Burning Blue? Dying to read that one! 3y
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Cinfhen Fabulous 🙌🏻 don‘t forget you have until midnight, **Oct 3** to fill out the third quarter form
Reviewsbylola Just did it. I‘m really on my game for once! @Cinfhen 3y
Reviewsbylola I love Hornby! The Polysyllabic Spree is what really hooked me on him. @BeeMagical 3y
Reviewsbylola Absolutely fantastic book. @GinaKButler I‘ve been recommending it a ton since I read it in July. One of my favorite books of 2021. 3y
BeeMagical @Reviewsbylola Oooo!! I haven‘t read that one!! To the TBR list!!!🙌🏻 3y
GinaKButler @Reviewsbylola ohhh...good to know! Thank you! 3y
Cinfhen 🙌🏻 3y
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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This month‘s board and next month‘s picks.

I‘m hoping to cross of library before midnight. I have about 120 pages left of my current library book—not only is it weeks overdue but it‘ll give me two more bingos! #bookspin #bookspinbingo

Megabooks Great job!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Great month!!! 3y
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Harlem Shuffle: A Novel | Colson Whitehead
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I‘ve been doing a lot of shit talking lately when it comes to #botm. I‘ve got to hand it to them though, their October picks are 🔥. Anyone else agree?

This is the first time since May I haven‘t skipped on my second account. I was beginning to regret still having it. 😆

LiteraryinLawrence I didn‘t know there was a new Towles! 3y
Laughterhp The Perishing sounds really good, but I want to wait for reviews first. 3y
Kimberlone Totally agree! 3/5 picks were books I was actually interested in and the one I chose (The Lincoln Highway) has been at the top of my anticipated books for the fall. Hoping for good options in November, too, when I get my free birthday add on! 3y
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Reviewsbylola 🤞🏻🤞🏻 they end the year strong! @Kimberlone 3y
AmyK1 Definitely agree. Really looking forward to The Lincoln Highway! 3y
marleed I agree. This has been my favorite month of options. I was down a pick since Apples Never Fall was already waiting in my Oct add-on queue. Now both my Add-ons for Nov are already in the queue! 3y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Finally!! Bring it on!

Also why the hell do I get so excited when I already KNOW the picks?! 😆 #botm

Megabooks Why am I excited if I‘ll probably skip?? 3y
Reviewsbylola Lolol, I‘m surprised none of the main picks are enticing you! @Megabooks (edited) 3y
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Checked this book out from my library . . . twice. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Maybe that means I‘ll actually read it!

AmyG Ha! 3y
LeahBergen Oopsie! 😆 3y
kplovesbooks Lol!!! 🤣🤣🤣 3y
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I read the tagged book for #booked2021. It is a much needed perspective (imo) of those that weren‘t directly impacted by 9/11 in the traditional sense (ie they weren‘t in the buildings and didn‘t have a close loved one die that day) but lived in downtown Manhattan at the time and escaped the city in a rush of panic and confusion. I listened on audio and found the author‘s narration grating, so I would recommend reading it in print.

Reviewsbylola I also wanted to draw everyone‘s attention to a new documentary series streaming on Hulu. 9/11: One Day in History. I‘ve only finished the first episode but it‘s such an immersive experience of that day—I highly recommend it as a companion to whatever book you read for the prompt. #911 3y
brittanyreads That documentary is so moving. When you could hear the bodies starting to hit the roof, I burst into tears and had to walk away from it. Heartbreaking and hard to watch but so, so important 💔 3y
swishandflick Oh man, I had tears flowing down my face for that whole documentary! 3y
Reviewsbylola It really makes you feel as if you‘re there. @swishandflick And omg, the bodies. That was just unbelievable. I mean, obviously we all know it happened. But to hear those thuds and see the faces of the firefighters there—an utter gut punch. @brittanyreads 3y
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I Love You, Bingo | Jacky Davis
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So excited to start off September! Especially since I already got to cross off a title. 🙌🏻 #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Looks great!!! 3y
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An Accident in August | Laurence Cosse, Alison Anderson
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Princess Diana died 24 years ago today. In some ways it feels like it‘s been ages, yet I can remember it like it was yesterday.

This Europa edition has been part of my collection for awhile—it is the fictional perspective of the unknown driver of the white Fiat that witnessed the accident and sped off into the night. I‘m only a few chapters in but so far so good.

Cinfhen Ohhhh!! I remember that moment so well too!! Book sounds fabulous 3y
EvieBee She died on my 13th birthday. I always think about her around this time of year. 3y
Reviewsbylola Happy birthday @eviebee! I imagine that made quite an impression on you, her dying on your birthday. I was the same age. 3y
EvieBee @Cinfhen Hey, an ‘84 baby! Thank you 🤗♥️ (edited) 3y
Cinfhen Happy Belated birthday, @EvieBee 🎉 😘♥️I feel OLD @Reviewsbylola I was 34 and a mother of 2!!! I remember I was in the car, driving to my in-laws when the breaking news came on the car radio. It was surreal, I kept thinking that doesn‘t make sense, the paparazzi killed her??!? It‘s such a sad story on so many levels. 3y
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The Friend | Nunez Sigrid
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Another month, another almost blackout on my bingo card! This time I was only two away. Which is fine, because I think September will be my month. 😂🤞🏻 #bookspinbingo #bookspin #doublebookspin

In other news, I‘m only one prompt away from finishing the summer quarter of #booked2021. 🙌🏻

Cinfhen Love this photo!!!! So many good reads 🥰 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Fantastic progress!!! 3y
LeahBergen Oh, I need to get to Doreen. 👍 3y
Reviewsbylola You do!! It‘s fantastic. @LeahBergen 3y
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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My bookspin bingo list always looks a straight up mess. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Typically I start it mid month so I have something to go off but then I revise it until the new month arrives. For September, I plan to focus mainly on #ripxvi. #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
BkClubCare What a cool colorful pillow! 3y
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Another mediocre month for #botm. They‘re really declining imo, but if there‘s at least one selection I want I guess I have to (begrudgingly) count that as a win.

As for the Sally Rooney, I really didn‘t care for Normal People. I figured I‘d try her again. 🤞🏻 If you hated Normal People and loved her new book, please drop a comment so I have some hope. 🤣

swishandflick Oh bummer! I personally loved Normal People but really struggled with Conversations with Friends so so far I'm 50/50 with her 🤣 (edited) 3y
Reviewsbylola I really want to love her. Normal People should have been right up my alley but instead it was a slog. @swishandflick 3y
Megabooks Got the same ones, but I‘ve liked both of Rooney‘s books. 3y
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BarbaraBB I loved Conversations with Friends - much more than Normal People which for me was just okay 3y
Cinfhen I skipped this month😜I wasn‘t going to grab a selection just for the Rooney,as I didn‘t LOVE either of her books🤷🏼‍♀️LMK how it is!! I have an ARC of this book….must read it ASAP (edited) 3y
Reviewsbylola I probably should have skipped too. 😂 @Cinfhen 3y
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The Lottery | Shirley Jackson
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Anyone else participating in #RIPXVI? I haven‘t participated in recent years, but it was a favorite challenge of mine when I had an active book blog. I first joined in for RIPIV in 2009! The five titles I read for the challenge that year were The House of the Seven Gables, Twilight, Her Fearful Symmetry, The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane, and One Foot Wrong. This year I‘ve accumulated quite a stack to choose from.

Ruthiella I‘m going to try and participate this year in the blogosphere. But the books will all come from the library, so I‘m not sure what I‘ll be able to access just yet. 3y
Beachesnbooks definitely participating! i love this challenge 3y
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It‘s about damn time! A real shame that Lois Duncan isn‘t still alive to know the truth.

Tianarose Wow! I read this when I was in junior high, so glad to hear there is finally closure for them. 3y
GondorGirl It's really sad that Lois Duncan isn't alive to see the case closed, but I'm sure this is closure for the rest of the family. 3y
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Crying in H Mart: A Memoir | Michelle Zauner
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Birthdays call for a trip to The Book Loft, amirite?! Here‘s what I came away with. Not pictured, the birthday cake I bought myself at Pistacia Vera!

vivastory Happy Birthday 🎈🎉📚 I have seen videos of the book loft & it looks amazing! 3y
xicanti Happy birthday! 3y
Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 3y
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mdemanatee Woohoo! Happy Birthday! 🎂 3y
TrishB You are so right! Happy birthday 🎉🎉 3y
Tamra Nice Birthday Haul!!! 3y
AmyK1 Happy birthday! 3y
Emilymdxn Happy birthday!! The faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home is amazing I really hope you like it! 3y
Jemgirl2014 Yay! Happy Birthday!!! 🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂 3y
Reviewsbylola It‘s wonderful! They have some really good deals! Over half of these were clearance prices. @vivastory You must visit if you‘re ever in the area. 3y
Reviewsbylola Do I need to read this first? @Emilymdxn 3y
Emilymdxn @Reviewsbylola I don‘t reckon you‘d need to, though the other two books are good and I recommend them too! It might be worth googling who main characters from the podcast are so you can spot them but the novels are really standalone and the podcast protagonist is barely in it 3y
Reviewsbylola Ok, that‘s what I was hoping. It was on the bargain table and sounded interesting, so I grabbed it without knowing what it was. 🤣 @Emilymdxn 3y
britt_brooke Happy belated birthday! 3y
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Milkman | Anna Burns
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A small corner of my stacks. 😍

Doreen | Barbara Noble
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Finishing this book shortly but I can‘t stop myself from writing a review now. I don‘t know why I read Persephone so infrequently. They always offer such a breath of fresh air. This one is another WWII story, which tend to be overdone, however Nobel focused specifically on the issue of London children being sent away for safety during the Blitz. Doreen is one such child, and she‘s bright and endearing, much like Sara Crewe and Anne Shirley.

vivastory What a great collection! 3y
Reviewsbylola This is about half of it. I‘m obsessed. ♥️ @vivastory 3y
BarbaraBB 😍😍😍😍😍 3y
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It's a Boy!: Your Son's Development from Birth to Age 18 | Michael Thompson, Ph.D., Teresa Barker
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I‘ll admit, try as I might, I only can get a few pages read when I‘ve got this cutie distracting me.

Lindy 💕 3y
MallenNC This is a great reason for a reading slump! 3y
DivineDiana Adorable! ❤️ 3y
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MicheleinPhilly SQUEE! Congrats @emilyhaldi! 🤗 3y
marleed Ohhh, beautiful! 3y
mom2bugnbee WHAT A CUTIE! Congrats! 3y
Megabooks Omg!! Congratulations to @emilyhaldi and the whole clan!! 💜💜 3y
Bookzombie Congratulations to the family!! 💕 (edited) 3y
wanderinglynn Congrats! So beautiful! 💜 3y
batsy Congrats @emilyhaldi and family 💕 3y
BarbaraBB He is too cute 🥰 ! Congratulations to @emilyhaldi and to you for becoming an aunt! 🤍🥂 3y
Cathythoughts A big congratulations ❤️ 3y
BookwormM Congratulations 💕💕 3y
Nute Congratulations @emilyhaldi and to the family! So very precious!🤗 3y
CarolynM Congratulations @emilyhaldi and all the family💕 So adorable! 3y
Sungirl79 Awww!! Congrats!! 💕 3y
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First Day of School | Anne Rockwell
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Summer reading is officially over. I smoked my entire family in our reading challenge, with 54 books read. 😂

Cathythoughts Back to school 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 thank god , after all the Covid absences 3y
Ericalambbrown What a couple of cuties! Hope they have a fantastic school year 🍀 3y
Soubhiville I love their matching first day outfits 🧡 3y
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Megabooks I hope F and G have a great year! 3y
Jemgirl2014 Beautiful girls! I hope they have a wonderful school year! 3y
BarbaraBB They‘re growing up so fast!! 3y
BarbaraBB The one on the right (I‘m sorry, I don‘t remember if it‘s F or G 🙈) looks just like you and your sisters! (edited) 3y
Reviewsbylola Ha! That‘s Flo and she‘s a mini version of my mom! I‘ve thought that since I first saw her on a 3D ultrasound. 🤣 @BarbaraBB 3y
BarbaraBB Mariann must love that 😉❤️ 3y
Bookzombie Cute! Love their outfits! 3y
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The People We Keep | Allison Larkin
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This was a heartfelt novel that kept my attention and had me rooting for the characters. There were a few flaws to the story imo—mainly it felt a little unbelievable for me, as far as the ending mostly. That said, I think this is a great book about relationships and what we mean to others. #botm

Megabooks I‘m on the list at the library for this. Glad to know it‘s a pick! 3y
Centique What a pretty plate and breakfast too! 3y
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Finished the tagged book this morning surrounded by a gaggle of dogs. 🤪

If you enjoyed Into Thin Air, this is a fantastic companion piece. Synnott climbed Everest in 2019 (the year of the viral Everest traffic jam) in search of the body is Sandy Irvine, who perished with George Mallory in 1924. Mallory‘s body was discovered in 1999 but Irvine remains lost. Along with the camera he carried with them, which very well could answer the mystery ⬇️

Reviewsbylola Of whether the men became the first people ever to summit Everest before they died. (edited) 3y
LeahBergen I wanna jump into that dog pile. 😆 3y
Cinfhen OMG!!! Those pups!!!! And I LOVED this one on audio 3y
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Megabooks So glad you enjoyed it!! The dogs look sweet! 💜💜 3y
Reviewsbylola My mom is listening to it on audio now! @Cinfhen 3y
Reviewsbylola The two small ones belong to my mom. They‘re watching the doorway suspiciously because at the moment I took the pic, Florence was in the other room wrapping the third dog in blankets. 🤣 @LeahBergen @Megabooks 3y
LeahBergen 🤣🤣 They‘re like “oh, HELL no!” 3y
Cinfhen Please send my regards to @Mdargusch I MISS YOU ALL xxx I think you & G have birthdays soon??? Right?? Are you at the lake house?? Hope all is well ♥️ 3y
britt_brooke Up my alley. #stacked 3y
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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It‘s always a bonus to cross off titles as I‘m writing in my bingo card. Two books finished this month and they were both 5 ⭐️! #bookspinbingo #bookspin

LeahBergen How is the family coming along with your Summer Reading Challenge? 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
Reviewsbylola Let‘s just say I‘m winning. 😂 It hasn‘t motivated them as much as I had hoped. Florence is super into Harry Potter right now though and each one is taking us forever to finish. @LeahBergen 3y
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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With 200 pages left in my current read, it‘s safe to say I won‘t finish anymore books this month. With less than three weeks left of summer, I‘m planning to squeeze in as much reading as I can! Maybe august will be the month I finally fill my bingo card!! #bookspinbingo

Librariana Great job! 👍👏🥳 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!!! 3y
Megabooks Fantastic!! 3y
Monica5 Wow! You did amazing! 3y
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Afterparties: Stories | Anthony Veasna So
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Eh, not thrilled with the August picks. I decided to take a chance on Damnation Spring and Afterparties is my free birthday month add on. 😊 And both covers are 👌 #botm

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The riveting account of five couples that are currently living out their relationships as one or both members of their union are incarcerated. Greenwood chose to focus on couples who met during incarceration, most of whom met through prison pen pal programs. It was enlightening to read about how these relationships evolved. Bennie and Jo‘s story was central, and pictured is a clip of their wedding from the documentary Met While Incarcerated.

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Olympus, Texas | Stacey Swann
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With how hectic this summer has been, I‘ve been bad about posting my weekly reading. This week included some really stellar reads. I finished Klara last night and loved it. It wasn‘t quite 5 stars for me but it‘ll stick with me for a long time. And whoaaaa was @Cinfhen right about Razorblade Tears. If every thriller was written that way, I‘d read a lot more them.

Cinfhen Yay!!! I‘m so glad you loved it!! Im always worried I may over-hype a book and ruin it with my enthusiasm 😁I thought this one that I see you just read was super adorable 3y
Cinfhen Klara disappointed me / I thought the beginning was so good but for me, it just fizzled towards the end 🤷🏼‍♀️ 3y
Cinfhen How‘s @emilyhaldi feeling??? How are the girls??? Send love to @Mdargusch ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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Reviewsbylola Loved The Guncle! And I do think the beginning of Klara was stronger. It started off as five stars for me but the second half wasn‘t quite as strong. The girls are doing very well and @emilyhaldi is too—won‘t be too long until baby boy is here with us!! @Cinfhen 3y
Cinfhen So exciting #BabyBoy 💙 Glad all are doing well😁 3y
Megabooks So good to see you back here!! 💜💜 3y
Reviewsbylola I imagined myself posting incessantly throughout the summer but so far that hasn‘t happened. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 😂 @Megabooks 3y
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There is nothing better than choosing a book you can‘t put down when you‘re stuck in the car on a road trip. The Burning Blue has sucked me in and I cannot put it down. Which is good because our hot spot is not strong enough to stream 90 Day Fiancé. ?

I was only 2 when the Challenger exploded, so I have no memory of it, but I plan to pass this on to brian when I‘m done, since he has regaled me with the story of watching it live on TV.

Tamra Best way to spend drive time! 3y
Megabooks I have been watching 90D The Single Life and can‘t believe I‘m so late to such a hilarious party!! 3y
Reviewsbylola I‘m almost caught up with Before the 90 Days. I‘ll have to watch that next! @Megabooks 3y
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Megabooks Before is my fav! Possibly because it started right around when I started watching 90 Day. 3y
ncsufoxes I was in 4th grade when the Challenger exploded. We were supposed to watch it on tv but our teacher had a hard time getting it hooked up. So I was fortunate not to watch it live but I remember the aftermath but also the excitement leading up to that day. 3y
vivastory I remember the Challenger explosion. I recall discussing it at school & my mom being very upset about it. 3y
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Just realized I forgot to post my spring #booked2021 reads. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Librarian Tales #libraryorlibrarianintitle

Dear Fang #setincountrywhereUNpeacekeepersare

We‘ve Got Answers #antiracism

Piranesi #musicalinstrumentoncover

Skylark #translatedtoyourfirstlanguage

Chase Darkness With Me #hearhere

Cinfhen Woohoo 🥳 Well done!! Did you submit before July3??? Otherwise these will all count as read for the third quarter drawing 😁 3y
Reviewsbylola No, I never submitted. That works though! Time to start on the third quarter. 🤗 @Cinfhen 3y
Cinfhen 💕 3y
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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I didn‘t get my entire June card filled like I‘d hoped but pretty close! Excited to see how July goes. #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Great month!!! 3y
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Some dockside reading today amongst the four of us.

BookishMarginalia Nice! Enjoy! 3y
BennettBookworm So perfect! 3y
Tamra Iconic summer pic! 3y
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Kimberlone Lovely! I‘m jealous! 3y
quietjenn That looks like perfection! 3y
dylanisreading Love it! 3y
Simona Pure perfection❣️ 3y
JenReadsAlot Love this!! 3y
Megabooks What a great day!! 3y
MrsV So jealous! 3y
LeahBergen I love this pic so much!! ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
BarbaraBB Such a great pic! And look at that belly ❤️ 3y
Reviewsbylola I knowwwwww. She has been extremely gracious by allowing me to rub her stomach every five seconds. 😂😂 @BarbaraBB 3y
saresmoore Love this! 3y
britt_brooke Looks perfect! Beautiful photo. 🤩 3y
MaureenMc I love everything about this pic. 😍 3y
BarbaraBB @Reviewsbylola You‘re behaving like an aunt already 😉😘 3y
Cinfhen OMG!!!! This photo is FABULOUS 💕💕💕💕 3y
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My #botm

All three of these are probably books I wouldn‘t have necessarily chosen on my own. The covers, synopses, and reviews encouraged me to give them a go. Also, @Cinfhen ‘s review of Razorblade Tears. 🙃

Cinfhen Pressure!!! But I stand by my review!!! Razorblade Tears was EXCELLENT!! Audio narration was 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 3y
swishandflick His other book, Blacktop Wasteland, was excellent too - that's what sold me on Razorblade Tears 👏🏽 3y
vivastory I loved Blacktop Wasteland, so I can't wait to read RT. I'm off THR & FRI. Really hoping I get my box before my time off. 3y
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