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Belle | Beverly Jenkins
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After a grueling escape north, Belle Palmer is free, yet lost and alone. Separated from her father on the harrowing journey, Belle has nowhere to turn until she finds shelter with the Bests, the first free family she's ever known. For the first time in her sixteen years, Belle is able to express herself freelyexcept where her feelings for a certain dark-eyed young man are concerned. Daniel Best is headed for great things. Educated and handsome, at eighteen he is full of the promise and dreams of his people, and is engaged to the prettiest (if the most spoiled) girl around. So when a bedraggled stranger arrives in his household and turns into a vibrant, lovely young woman, his attraction to her catches him entirely by surprise. While Belle is determined to deny her feelings for him, Daniel is caught between his conscience and his infatuation with her. That the two belong together is undeniable, but that it could ever happen seems impossible.
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#Movie2BookRecs #1stNamesMale #October2023 #BeauIsAfraid

One of my favorite series: Avon True Romances for Teens. Many notable romance authors wrote YA stories and across different time periods.

Klou 📚👍❤️ 12mo
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Ms Bev was the guest speaker at the Hearts Through History RWA online chapter Annual General Meeting. She spoke to use about her research process.

I even asked her about her writing of these books for teens. She said it was difficult to keep it a sweet/clean romance!

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This is the first book that I ever read that was about slavery and the fight for freedom. I find the freedom of slavery era to be quite fascinating, but I never actually read a story about it (besides those history textbooks in school). It was such an emotional story for me. Not necessarily sadness but happiness for the main characters.

Read the rest of my book review at www.caylasbooktopia.wordpress.com/2017/01/19/book-review-belle-and-the-beau/